They make me cry with joy, they are the only one’s who can get me to dance in the kitchen, they truly think my singing is worth listening to. Their quiet tears can rouse me from the soundest of sleep, if their heart’s are hurting, mine aches right along with them. Nothing is more important in my life…they are my children.
Each and every day I am thankful for the two little miracles in my life. My two beautiful little girls.
Now I have been provided the chance to give back just a little bit and help out those who need a hand. I am honoured and thrilled to announce a brand new initiative by Children’s Miracle Network, MiracleMoms!!!
MiracleMoms will be a group of loving, passionate, fabulous and motivated women eager to tell the stories of families in their area who use the services of the Children’s Miracle Network. Mamas who want to make a difference, create a buzz and encourage their readers to jump in and donate in support of the Children’s Miracle Network.
I’m looking for approximately 10 motivated Mamas. Moms from all across Canada and the United States who want to help us tell the real stories of families who use the services of the Children’s Miracle Network.
Are you passionate? Looking for a way to give back? Interested in telling the story of a family from your area and encouraging your readers to donate to an incredible cause? Are you a blogger of influence? Do you want to help tell stories like this…..