When I was a kid the one thing I detested finding in my lunchbox was a soggy, wet and yes, therefore inedible sandwich. Nobody likes wet bread! Now as a Mama of two girls I do my best to make sure lunches served during the school year are nutritious, attractive, and at all costs I avoid the soggy. Lunches must also be something I know they will enjoy! My girls get a precious twenty minutes in their lunch hour dedicated to eating, and I need to be sure they get something in their tummy’s! It’s important to keep throwing new ideas at them to keep them interested. One of the ways I do this is with the twist of turkey! Nothing beats something new in their lunch boxes.
Butterball offers all kinds of ideas from this ready to go Turkey Chicken Trio…
to one of my favourites Turkey Bacon! Mmmm Bacon…
I decided to give a new recipe a try this week for some of those weekdays when my little one’s are forced to come home and have lunch with me, and had a pleasant surprise. This turkey bacon not only tastes great, but it’s got less fat then regular bacon. Oh, it’s also a cinch to cook up!
The following recipe is a twist on the classic BLT for lunches at home, and easily adapts to be made on a tortilla which keeps fresh and crispy for hours in a lunch bag for school. Check it out! The Turkey Bacon Lettuce and Tomato.
My first fave thing about Butterball Bacon Style Turkey, the awesome Zip Pack! Cook up two pieces or ten, then zip that pack closed for the next time a bacon craving strikes.
I like to cook up my bacon “restaurant style”. This means lying it all flat on a piece of parchment paper and letting it cook slowly in the oven at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for about twenty minutes. Here are my delish before and after shots:
Now you are all set to put together your masterpiece! Here is the beauty I put together for my oldest. “Hold the cheese please Mom”.
Should I admit that I couldn’t stop at just one sandwich? I ate one PLUS a couple extra pieces of bacon…just because well, all good chef tastes as they cooks right?
The next day we used the leftover bacon in tortilla wraps for some quick ready to go lunches for our first day of school! Yep, turkey is always a hit. I love knowing my girls can’t wait to dive into their lunches because their is some delish crisp bacon just waiting for them!!
Are you looking for, or do you have some other fabulous turkey lunch ideas? You simply must check out the Butterball Canada’s “Mix it Up!” Facebook contest!
“Mix it up for your chance to WIN! Butterball wants you to provide us with your kid’s favourite lunch ideas using Butterball products! Submit your recipe and you’ll be entered to win $500 in gift certificates that you can use towards purchasing Butterball products. You also have the chance to win some of our weekly prizes, by simply registering and rating some of your favourite Mix it Up with Butterball recipes!”
There is more then one way to win!! Take a moment to click through to see how you can be eligible to win one of the Weekly Prizes, the First Prize or the amazing Grand Prize!!
Oh and of you come up with a stellar idea, feel free to invite me over for dinner k?
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Butterball Canada. In exchange this review, I have received special perks in the form of products and monetary compensation. All opinions on this blog are my own.
Should not be reading this during dinner time- especially dinner time when I am stuck at soccer practice.
I just have one word….YUM!
Oh @Vicki I think I do know what you mean! Perhaps a Panini Grill? Mmmm now I must go and grill up one of these sandwiches:)
smiles….i pack my lunch to take to school every day now…my wife is good about slipping little treats in there though
smiles….i pack my lunch to take to school every day now…my wife is good about slipping little treats in there though
It sure does look delicious1 It got me craving for one ,too! It’s past lunchtime and I haven’t had any lunch yet!(It’s 3 pm in Greece)I have an idea to make it just a little different. My kids love it, actually, they prefer it to the sliced bread. You can use hamburger or hot dog buns and have them (now I don’t know which is the right word for it – the thing that sort of squeezes them and cooks/grills both buns and the cheese in between melts!) toasted? grilled? barbecued? Sorry. You get what I mean. Don’t you?
OMG you’ve got me craving a TBLT for breakfast… must… resist…. looks delicious!