Grab the tissues and prepare to nod along with this sweet, sweet video.
Imagine if just for a moment, everyone could see the world like this, without labels.
in Everyday on
Grab the tissues and prepare to nod along with this sweet, sweet video.
Imagine if just for a moment, everyone could see the world like this, without labels.
This video made me teary eyes,made my smile and feel warm inside….loved it !
A super video, really touching and we can all take a leaf from this book.
Oh that was so heartwarming! Thanks for sharing!
I never tire of seeing that video. So sweet and emotional
That touched me. I loved how you didn’t know who was behind the screen. You just knew that they loved each other. Thanks for sharing on Oh My Heartsie Girls Wordless Wednesday Link Party. I hope to see what you have to share next week
What an inspirational video. So sweet
makes me smile
This is all kinds of Win! I’ve watched it 5 times already.
That’s awesome – thanks for sharing!
I love this! I need a tissue now…
I am in love with this video!! Thanks for sharing.
What a lovely video and a great way to get the message across
Have a cutetastic week and thanks for pirouetting by
That is so sweet. Love has no colour, no labels, no gender…great message.