Were back!! The annual family vacation is behind me. We spent 10 gloriously sunny days in Orlando. Managed a trip to Disney World’s Magic Kingdom, Typhoon Lagoon, hit the T-Rex Cafe, Downtown Disney, The Town of Celebration, plus shopping and countless hours swimming in our very own backyard pool. Giggles a plenty and very few tears. Victory!
The anticipation of this couple of weeks away with those I love dearest could have left me near hysteria. So much to look forward to, a couple of unexpected surprises along the way and oh so much to do. I survived the pre-vacation hysterics and then was confronted with the day to day challenges the modern day vacation. I’m proud to say I conquered each challenge I met with style ..if not always with grace.
Challenge #1
Packing. It can and did take on a life of its own! Let’s do some math. There are only 4 people in my family, a 10 day trip is planned, and I have only 3 suitcases. Each of those must be under 50 pounds? C’mon! Do you know how much shoes weigh? I hate math. We checked in with two 48 pounders and one at 46! Still room for souvenirs!
Challenge #2
How to balance Family time vs Me time while away on the coveted vacation. I may be a Mom, but I want to be rockin that tan by the time I get home. Managed by lucking out with fab kids who love to swim. Pool time. Check. Tan. Check. Even managed to read a couple of books. How great is that.
Challenge #3
Deciding how many fast food/take out meals you can serve your loved ones before you enter bad Mommy territory and generally start putting every ones health at risk.
I started trading french fries for apple slices and bought freezies made with “real fruit juice”. Seemed to help my conscience and we all survived.
Challenge #4
What does the modern suburban Momma wear to the water park?? Yikes! More on that later.
Challenge #5
I am SICK of cleaning up after all of you people! I do enough of that at home and here we are with 8 people crammed into this house. Must justify the purchase of paper plates and plastic cups so I can get a break from the flippin dish duty! Hey I guess if it works for Jon and Kate plus 8, it will work for me.
Challenge #6
The other Mommy we were travelling with was FOREVER fussing and cleaning.
I ever so gently reminded her it was her vacation too and got that girl a drink.
Challenge #7
Sex with so many people in the house? HA…not giving you any details here, but don’t worry, we figured it out.
Challenge #8
Shopping Shopping Shopping! So many things I wanted to buy! The jeans, the purses, the shades…..
What to do. I shouldn’t. He said I ABSOLUTELY should. See Challenge #7! Hee Hee
Challenge #9
How do we get back so we can do the whole thing all over again…
Welcome back. Oh, I so need a vacation. And 10 Days??? Wow!
So glad that it was a good vacation for you even with the PRE-travel Stress!!!
Back to reality for you.
Wow, I’m so jealous. I LOVE Florida, and all things Disney. TYphoon Lagoon is one of my fave places in the whole world.
Good to have you back!
Welcome back.It’s always the packing and unpacking part of it I find most challenging!
welcome back.