Things you should never tell a self professed borderline hypochondriac:
~Doctor “It’s either tonsillitis or mono.” -Yeah, everyone hope for tonsillitis!
~The school is full of head lice.-I itch just hearing those words!
~Ug…I was throwing up all night and was so afraid I’d have to cancel our coffee date this morning.-A good hypochondriac can catch the stomach flu by just hearing about it.
~Gosh you really do get a lot of headaches, have they checked you for a tumor?-Requires no explanation.
~Swine Flu-Media covered that one for me.
~A travel advisory has been issued for Canada.-But I live here!
kathy downey says
The thought of lice has me itching…..those bugs creep me out !
Nate says
fun article
Anonymous says
People who are incapable of having any kind of intimate relationship have to turn to feeling this incredible hunger and void, have to turn to some quantifiable external product to make them feel whole.
Annette Piper says
Ha ha, that list made me smile!
Susan says
Ew, lice!!?? I can’t tolerate getting notes from school that a case has been confirmed. I would absolutely DIE if I had to deal with this.
UGH>..I’m itching. Bad.
Just A Mom (Call me JAM for short) says
Thanks alot! Now my head is itching!!!
Hahaha! Funny post!
Suzanne says
Very funny!!! By the way, thanks for the headache remedy. I’m hoping it works or I might go back to thinking it is a tumor!!!!! You’re the best:-)
Jennifer says
LOL! I started scratching my head at the lice comment!
Stacie's Madness says
I hope for tonsillitis…I’ve never had mono, but my sister did, it was HELL just watching HER go through that.
Delphine says
Hello from France, and thanks for dropping by my blog, nice to meet you–
I think there is a little ‘ hypo ‘in all of us, how often I have nearly passed out by exhaling too much when someone sneezes near me!! teehee
Randi Troxell says
haha! i love it and this is so my husband!
Martha says
A travel advisory for Canada?? Ugh, I hope this swine flu resolves quickly.
Together We Save says
This sounds like me. Lice! You have made my head itch. Yuck.
Busy Bee Suz says
So funny…but I can see this in me also. take care, Suz.
The lice thing? YUCK. I still have nightmares about lice bugs.