My girls were in fits and giggles playing this strange little game in the car.
They called it “Would you rather..”
Their answers were sometimes amusing, sometimes well….scary!
Would you rather drink an entire bottle of ketchup or swim with sharks?
Would you rather be a superhero or a super villain?
Would you rather have spaghetti noodles for arms or smell like a skunk?
You get the idea.
This amusing game got me thinking. I think we play this game in the suburbs every single day!
Would you rather have the house of your dreams and keep your career OR stay at home with that baby that now owns your heart? (went with my heart)
Would you rather a shower, laundry done, and maybe even dinner on the table when he gets home OR a nap. (you cannot have both so I pick shower, even though I would tell every one I know to go for the nap)
Would your rather have your Mommy uniform be jeans OR yoga pants? (will they remember if I wear the same pair of jeans every day all week?)
You must help out at the school. Would you rather serve on the incredibly boring pizza lunch committee OR the incredibly boring book sale fundraiser? (both come with pretentious know it all Mommies…must sort through to find the normals!)
Would you rather drive an SUV OR a mini-van? (SUV baby)
Would you rather your child take ballet OR skating lessons? (I’m playing the Canadian version of would you rather so we might have to do both)
Would you fancy a romantic evening out with the hubby OR a quiet night in with popcorn and a movie? (This implies I have a sitter? Guess we are stayin in!)
Would you rather Coach OR Kate Spade? (a girl can dream can’t she)
Would you rather give up your pool guy OR your lawn boy? (duh..useless creepy pool guy)
Life in the Suburbs often feels like a game, sometimes it’s Survivor, sometimes it’s the Amazing Race. I’m grateful today just felt like a tame version of Would you Rather.
Now tell me, have you come across an amusing Would You Rather??
Schmoochiepoo says
Too many choices hurts my teny tiny brain.
Would I rather yank out my husbands lungs through his butt or his balls through his left nostril?
Martha says
Ha, ha, ha, my boys play this game all the time it usually stuff like-
Would you rather jump out an airplane without a parachute or get burned alive??
Aren’t boys lovely?
Cute post, thanks. Thank you also for your nice comment Dad.
Liz says
What a delightful list!
Perfectly Happy Mum says
ARRGH I am trying to think of something good, but I am brainless I think… 🙂
Love that game, it is lots of fun!
SC says
Would you rather is a favourite game between my roommates from University and I. We play it all the time… and it gets funnier with a few glasses of wine!
It’s funny that you say sometimes its Survivor, sometimes its Amazing Race. I remember when my little boy was only a few weeks old, I use to feel like I was on Amazing Race when he go down for a nap… I would be running around the house trying to accomplish as much as I could in 20 minutes before he would wake up again! I look back on that time and laugh now, because I seriously looked like a crazy woman! LOL!
Suz Broughton says
Are we not supposed to wear the same jeans everyday? Ooops, my bad.
Busy Bee Suz says
You are too funny. My girls play this game too.
I usually throw something like this at them: Would you rather clean your room or the ENTIRE house?????
That usually gets someone moving.
Mary K Brennan says
It’s been raining for 5 days straight, so I’ve had to become creative with the kids. Would I rather take them to the bouncy house, or play in our PJ’s until noon?
Guess who’s wearing their slippers?
Randi Troxell says
fun list… i like this one!
Colleen says
My friends and I play this a lot…
Would you rather be deaf or blind?
Would you rather gain 50 pounds or go bald?
Hit 40 says
My lawn boy is my son. I think I’ll keep him 🙂
I get to listen to jokes about male body parts and gas in the car!!! I will take your girls any day for a mommy taxi ride.
Amy says
That is a great post and a great game. I think life is a game of “Would you Rather” YOur are the yin to my yang. I live in the land of no where and you live in the suburbs. My rathers: Would you rather have your kids pick boogers or cuss like a sailor? I pick neither! I am glad you got a kick out of my post title. LOL
Would you rather drive 200 miles to go out to a nice dinner b/c you are craving chinese or attempt to make it at home? Depends on the day.
Margo says
Lol. What a fun list. I think I would have to choose the nap, though. I can always sponge off later if I have to, and wash my hair in the sink. And who really needs to do house work?
And I would trade any variety of outdoor helper (lawn/pool/whatever) for a weekly housekeeper.
Marbella Designs says
I’ve been sick all week, so right now I’m waiting for my once in awhile housekeeper (I use her only when I absolutly have to, like when I’m so sick, I can’t get outta bed) to show up and then I’m going back to sleep. I’ll take the shower later 😉
kimert says
What fun! I can’t think of anything creative! lol