Wonderful, amazing, adoring, going to get anything he wants Hubby called from work today.
Do you want the interesting news or the great news. He asks.
I opted for the interesting first. I like my dessert last.
I had a very long conversation with my Mother today, (oh oh I think) and she tells me their barn cat had kittens. She claims in her life, she has never seen a cuter kitten then this little beauty in need of love.
Oh crap on a stick! Do you know what my kids beg for every time we go to buy DOG food. For our big black DOG. A kitten. This is not a passing phase. This has been going on for SIX years.
Now I am a Mother torn. I already clean up fur from the DOG who will not stop shedding even though I threatened to vacuum her, and I am the only one who cleans the stinky fish bowl. I might even be the only one who feeds Chips the fish. Are we really going to add a kitty …a helpless, cute, won’t survive without us kitty to our clan?
Must change subject.
What is the great news? I ask all kinds of distracted.
My parents are NOT using their lake house next week (yes I said lake house) and said we can take it if the kids are interested in some time at the beach?
IF WE ARE INTERESTED? They won’t even be there! We can HAVE the lake house? Now I’m spinning in circles, packing, thinking about making my kids dream come true with a ridiculously cute kitty, and day dreaming about the sun, the sandcastles, the daiquiris the candles, the BBQ. The amazing family vacation that just fell in my lap!
What to do?
Decide while drinking daiquiris on the beach.
Sounds reasonable.
Please don’t forget me when I’m gone…
You will have to check back to see if we adopt the cutest cat that ever lived!
See you in a week!
Swoozie says
Have a great week up at the lake!
(((damn, that kitty is adorable!! Uh oh!!))
Nora Johnson says
Phew! Managed to make it before the connection breaks! Have a terrific vacation and see you again soon!
xxLOL LOLA & Nora:)
Just A Mom (Call me JAM for short) says
ZoesMom says
Enjoy your vacation!
Thanks again for the award! I will be posting my 7 things today.
Mum Gone Mad says
I need a kitty! Have a great time and get the kitty lol x
Debbie says
Have a great time! You can’t beat that offer.
Susan Campbell Cross says
That is such a darling kitten! And by the way…congrats on winning my first ever giveaway!
Lady Di says
You are sooo getting a new kitten….
Jenjen @GottaLoveMom says
My kids have been bugging me for a dog for 14 years, I just tell them to go visit my mom’s and brothers or wait until they have their own apartments…
Good-luck and have a great vacation 🙂
Colleen says
Have so much fun! Free vacations are the best 🙂
Schmoochiepoo says
get the kitty!!!!!!!!!
The Girl Next Door says
Have a GREAT vaca – and yeah, you’re dead. Cutest cat ever? Done. Finished. Add more fur to your vacuum.
Randi Troxell says
aaaaah… what a cute kitten, i love cats! and lemmie tell ya- i tell ppl all the time that cats… easiest animals EVAH!!! sure ya gotta scoop the litter but thats about it! cant wait to hear what happens!!
Pokerfacemom says
Since I am a pet groomer, and if it’s not to late to suggest. Cats are beautiful creature that should have been kept in the jungle where they can rule, hunt, and groom themselves whenever they please. If it wasn’t for our humanely instincts of being suckered into cuteness, that’s where they would have stayed. But no, I’m also a sucker for cuteness. And I too had cats while growing up. Until I wised up! And yes, cats do need baths on occasions.
Have a great vacation! Whatever choice your family makes, will be the right one.:)
lz @ My Messy Paradise says
I adopted 2 of the cutest cats that ever lived…9 years ago. Now they are the most annoying grown up cats that will live forever.