So how did this shocking revelation occur? That I am indeed, old? I found myself squelching the desire to yell solid old lady advice at the “young’ens” on the beach this weekend:
*Oh baby girl, you are so red. Go put on some sunscreen and maybe a shirt.
*Honey side-boob is just not attractive. Rein those puppies in, children can see you!
*A young man who burps the alphabet in an effort to impress you is so not boyfriend material. Move on.
*Just because there is a tattoo parlour on this beach does not mean you should giggle hysterically together, go in on mass, and get something pierced or permanently inked. What is your Mama going to say when you get home?
*You know what your girlfriend is not telling you? Last year’s bikini, it’s way too small. I’m seeing far too much of well, every thing.
I’m getting old and perhaps a little ornery. This summer should be interesting. Wonder how long until I get like my Grandma, lose my filter and start telling people OUTLOUD exactly what I think of their outfits and whether or not they should really be eating those french fries dunked in mayo?
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Debbie White Beattie says
I know, I’m right there with you because I find with each year that goes by I have less and less patience and soon I’ll be my grandma too
Debby@Just Breathe says
Thanks for the laugh, those are so funny!
Busy Bee Suz says
If only they could read our minds!!!!! Side boob; LOL!!!
Pearl says
oh in that case, im old too! because i think exactly that way:-(
anyway, we were supposed to go swimming today in a local pool, BUT it was full packed! we retreated. we definitely were culture shocked. we missed hawaii, where we can have a dip anytime and in any shore we want for free:-(
Courtney K. says
Haha! You, my friend, aren’t old. You’ve just outgrown the ignorant days of teenage life. I wouldn’t go back to THAT phase, for anything. I much prefer being “old.”
Mrs. Tuna says
The Big Tuna could get to R with a single burp, it was one of the biggest attractions.
Shell says
But, you know what? Being “old” gives us the right to actually say those things. And THAT is fun.
Adria a.k.a Sparkles says
I totally agree with you!! And you are not old.
Marketing Gurl says
Yeah I feel that way a ton too, especially being pregnant for the second time…I am like seriously…but I like young clothes…just not for me…I prefer jeans a tee and flip flops — oh wait…or business casual but that isn’t by choice…ha ha.
cssolomon says
Cute blog 🙂 I think I’m still in the, “well if they think they look good, more power to them” but there are those occasions where I see someone wearing something awful or too small and think, “you must not have any good friends b/c if you did they would have confronted you…”
Heather says
Hahaha! Your site is just what I needed this morning:) Love it! Thanks for stopping by mine~I am so glad to find you, your sense of humor is great! You know, I actually felt a bit bad for talking my 14 year into a sporty looking suit with decent cover, because she looks so different from her friends! Still, she looks great. Crazy stuff. Have a good week!!
Heather says
Oh, yes, I know how you feel! Several years ago, I wanted to yank a girls pants up at the airport. I could see her thong and 1/2 her butt! Ick!
Tammy says
Isn’t it sad we start seeing things so differently now that we are moms and a little wiser in our years? (Notice I didn’t say old now?) 🙂
I hate having a girl who is getting older…I don’t want boys looking at my little girl!…
Heather says
Oh. The day we get to yell those things out loud….now THAT is something to look forward to about being old.