Turns out I have a catch phrase…or two! Advice from the Suburbs. Words to live by? Maybe! Ready?
#1. Fashion Before Function.
Yes, those Christian Louboutin Shoes look and are AMAZING!! I might have picked up a pair of these little beauties in Paris. Le Sigh. They are beautiful and even tone my legs and butt, you know, because the heels are ridiculously high. The problem, I can only wear them for about four hours before my back is screaming at me and my toes are bordering on numb. Comfortable they are not. TOO BAD! Suck it up girlfriends. The rule is Fashion Before Function!
#2 Protect The Pretty
(Warning. Horribly graphic picture ahead)
Here comes the sad sad picture of pretty gone horribly wrong…
Now, where was I? Oh yes, Protect The Pretty.
I AM CANADIAN!! All the man boys yell this as they head out onto the ice WITHOUT cages on their pretty little faces. Why? Why would you not put a piece of steel between you and wooden sticks and flying chunks of rubber? Well, because they are MEN, they are stupid and disillusioned and under the mistaken impression that they can stop the pucks from hitting them in the chops with sheer will power!
This is “Will”. *Name changed to protect the dumb pretty.
Looks as if “Will” forgot his Superman cape this cold Canadian day, the price….five teeth and a broken jaw. This is not pretty. This is painful and expensive. He did not heed my advice, because he, like all other Men, are too cool for cages. Remember Canadian or not, when you step out on that ice, Protect The Pretty.
So common sense, words to live by or just my brand of blonde advice? Meh, I don’t know, but it’s been working for me!
Be careful in your heels and out on the ice this weekend!
Xazmin says
I love those shoes! I am so jealous you won a pair of CLB shoes! I totally don’t know if that is proper the way I used those initials, but whatever!
Also…ew on the teeth! Just ew!
Mrs. Tuna says
I wear heels but mostly I am “sensible”. Sigh
Polly says
Those are some smoking heels.
Lady Jennie says
I was so afraid when I read the title, that it was YOU. But the picture had a beard so I was fairly certain it was not you.
Leanne says
Okay. I’m not wearing the heels but I do LOVE the colour and I AM slapping the cage on my son and threatening him if it ever comes off. Sigh.
Torviewtoronto says
I stopped wearing heels a while ago 🙂
lovely post
Crazy Shenanigans-JMO says
First of all, I really hope that’s not your husband!!! Ekkk! That looks HORRIBLE!!!
Busy Bee Suz says
I would need a ladder to get up to those shoes…but dang, they are GOrGeOuS!!!
Losing teeth is not pretty. It is however, great birth control.
Candice says
Cute shoes. Way too high for me!