What’s better then hot fresh Chocolate Chip Cookies on a cold winters night? Oh, how about hot fresh Chocolate Chip Cookies on a cold winters nights with fewer calories? Yes please!
My Hubby was away on another one of his “work” trips, golfing, and I had about six errands to get done and no motivation to do it. The thought of trying out a Valentines Day cookie recipe, um actually just eating the cookie dough at the end of it all, was all I needed to keep pushing through.
I wrote up the minutes from the PTA meeting, threw the laundry in, took the trash cans out, returned required phone calls and emails then created my list of “must gets” when we headed to Walmart. Binder for BlueEyes, printer paper, chocolate chips and a canister Equal for the new chocolate chip cookie recipe. With Valentine’s Day just around the corner it’s time for me to get my bake on!
I picked up the dear daughters after school and we were off! I love taking my girls to Walmart because we can grab everything we need in one place! Timesaver!
As we wandered through the Walmart store we headed to the baking section. No Equal there? A quick chat with a Walmart staff and we were pointed to the pharmacy and vitamin section! Huh, I guess this makes sense as Equal can be a healthy alternative to sugar. As we approached we could easily spot the bright yellow canisters of Equal on the shelves. My daughter scooped up one of the canister’s and remarked on how light it was and yet much bigger then the bag of a similar product we had seen in the grocery aisle. Teaching them young to watch for those deals!
We rounded out our shopping by picking up a binder ( a very specific kind of pink binder, no flowers, but with pockets please), printer paper, and chocolate chips PLUS two bathing suits, pens and highlighters that were not on the list. Isn’t that always the way?
As soon as we got home my girls had a plan. It was cookie baking time and I was 100% behind this!! BlueEyes who I am soon going to have to rename BakerGirl printed off the chocolate chip recipe from the Equal Canada Facebook site and got busy. Really busy. She doubled the recipe! (You can also find Equal Canada on Twitter!)
The Equal canister was a snap to scoop out of, and even easier to clean up and store. No spilled granule’s all over the counter or bottom of the baking cupboard. The recipe was easy to follow, and in no time at all I was presented with this!
These fabulous chocolate chip cookies with less guilt! Yummo! Thanks #EqualCanada !
Guess we know one of the cookies we will be making for Valentine’s Day!
This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias. #CBias All opinions are my own.
I have never used Equal in my baking, but I am always looking for a lower calorie option! I’m also loving how mess free the Equal container looked…I know when I have the sugar out and i’m baking, it always ends in a BIG mess! Great Post! -Kate
Your cookies look delicious. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Oh, how I was anticipating the end result. Tell the girls that you did not disppointment me.
No cookies in my kitchen, but there is a cake. I think I’llhave a slice after I eat my lunch.
Sounds wonderful!! I’ve been using Equal for years and love it. I haven’t been inside a Walmart in almost two years, lol!
Those look delicious! Sounds like your girls are a lot of help for you, what a fun day for you all!

Yum! I have been wondering how the Equal recipe turned out compared to regular cookies. I’ll have to give them a try.