Each and every Christmas my Hubby can be counted on to top up my stock of girly magazines. (you know mindless reading magazines! Get you minds out of the gutter) The old faithful that is always stuffed into the stocking is my Cosmopolitan magazine. Usually within the week I have devoured the magazine from cover to cover. I mean, I can’t justify spending money on the trashy mags for myself but if they are a gift, I have to read them right?
Well here it is creeping up to the end of February and I finally found the time to open that bad boy up. The problem, it made me sad!
“Catchy” article titles like:
The Touch That Locks Down His Love
Dates He’ll Be Psyched to Go On
Downright Epic Décolletage
Look Amazing The Morning After
….no longer appeal to me. You know why? I don’t care!! Why not?
I’d much prefer articles with titles like this:
The Look That Will Make Him Take The Garbage Out
Play Dates He Won’t Moan About and Maybe Even Lend a Hand
Cleavage Is Over Rated, Rock What You’ve Got
and even
Teach Him To Think You’re Gorgeous with No Make-up
and Yoga Pants
Sigh. I guess the reality is, I’m getting old. I figure I know all the sex tricks I’m going to need, I have no time for games, and if my “décolletage” doesn’t look good enough to him after birthing two of his giant babies and nursing them both…. well he can suck it.
Guess next Christmas I’ll ask for some Oprah or Martha Stewart Living!
PS Did you hear about my search for 10 #MiracleMoms? An amazing opportunity to tell the stories of incredible Bloggers. Show your support or apply here!
Lol! Yep, our priorities definitely do change. Luckily my husband really still seems to like my barely there saggy boobs still.
Preach it, sista! I find Redbook to be a nice transition between Cosmo and Old Lady Homebody magazine. It still has some of the fun stuff but seems to be geared for those of us over 25. Although Living is still very nice!
I’m starting to wonder what’s wrong with me that I have never read that magazine?
I’m pretty sure I’m like a grandmother though. I’m quite content to curl up with a Family Circle or Woman’s Day.
Same here. And? I have a 9 year old boy in the house, and if catches sight of it, he wants to know what the heck the cover stories are about. I tried to turn it over, but the pic on the back was almost worse. I threw them instead (fine, recycled. I hate waste.)
So true, my Cosmo days are over. Sort of nice to have bigger things to worry about than our cleavage these days.
Love the article titles you came up with. Much more my style.
All those articles are meant to increase your ability to snag and keep a man. You’ve won that battle, for better or worse! LOL If you do find an article about no make up and yoga pants, please share here. IN NEED!
I canceled my subscriptions two years ago because I realized I didn’t care. Martha Stewart, however, is something I can dive into.
Hahahaha…so funny! I to have a subscription to Cosmo…and I think I threw the last one out without reading it. LOL. It’s just a reminder that I’m an old married lady now with two little munchkins.
Hilarious! I haven’t read Cosmo in years, but I spontaneously picked up the January copy while waiting in line at the grocery store. I felt the same way…it was hard to find an article I could relate to.
I remember the day I outgrew Cosmo, it was in the mtl airport, I was traveling for work, I was tired, I picked it up, and was immodestly bored(I then purchased vogue so I could look at all the pretty pictures).
I outgrew it about a year ago. Was a sad day. I have yet to find a decent replacement.
Yes! I used to love Cosmo and thought I was so grown up and sophisticated reading it. Now it just seems trashy and shallow. Boy have my interests changed!
Love it. So true that you can only read cliches for so long when the cliches have no relationship to reality! Men have the same issues with their ‘girly magazines’ you know! LOL
smiles…happens to the best of us…