I got a sweet little text from my girlfriend today. “11 Sleeps until Florida Bella” . At first, this text made me smile. Sometimes in life we meet people who are meant to be our friends, we are blessed that they came into our lives…this friend, she is one of those lovelies. But then, a moment of sheer panic…I hit the holy crap how am I going to be ready to go in 11 days wall! Hard.
Mind you, I was window shopping for things for our trip AT that time of the super sweet text, but not POWER shopping like I should have been. Rookie mistake.
A 22 hour drive with two kids and a gassy Husband requires cookies, crafts, granola bars, gravol and ummm perhaps a gas mask and a touch of reality. Sigh. Reality bites.
What I really, really wanted to buy…
..isn’t she pretty? Instead I will make do with the cat hair covered luggage that we will pull out of the basement. Ick.
What would be loads of fun vs what I really needed.
Wishful thinking, weighed against harsh reality.
One day the dream world in my head and the real world will all align. Of course on that day I will jet off to some fabulous Island in the Caribbean on my private plane….until then, this Mama had better hit Wal-Mart.
PS Did you hear about my search for 10 #MiracleMoms? An amazing opportunity to tell the stories of incredible Bloggers. Show your support or apply here!
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Oh dear – I love that LV bag and I was prepared to live vicariously through you.
I keep earplugs in my glove compartment!!!!
Love the Louis!!!
I hope that you have a fabulous trip, and yes we all dream of a little bit of LV don’t we!
Always love a Louis Vuitton anything! Fun post. Wishing you lots of luck….
I actually own a LV suitcase which sits in my basement collecting dust:( Be happy you have a trip to go on. So envious of a warm weather and beach vacay!
haha on the ear plugs…smiles…just look for the end of the rainbow of that road trip…
I SO need new luggage! Yeah, I’ll take what you posted a pic of!
It took me a minute to realize that was an eye cover for sleeping. Hahaha. I thought maybe you didn’t want to make many stops for bathroom breaks. ;D
Enjoy your trip, it sounds like fun!
You’re going to have a blast! Hit an LV store IN Florida… it’s where I do most of my shopping!
The drive down will be awesome, I’m sure – it will cool to see the weather changing! From boots to flip flips… best feeling ever! Good Luck on the drive back, though! xo
Enjoy your trip. I could use those ear plugs for home;)