To the Men ….
Who change diapers.
Who rock their babies when they cry.
Who kiss boo boo’s on knees, and understand the power of a band-aid.
Who gamely try to make those pony tales just right.
Who tell bedtime stories, and look for monsters under the bed.
Who take turns driving car pool.
Who pretend interest in new gymnastics leotards and sparkly dance outfits.
Who carry bags at the mall until their arms hurt.
Who quietly hide their fears as their dear daughter heads out to her first real dance.
Who gives the death stare to any boy that dares to break her heart.
Who beams with pride at their every accomplishment.
Who makes his wife tea, brings her crackers, rubs her feet, and takes over her world for her when she is sick.
Who sends that wife to bed when she clearly needs a break.
Who is not only master of the BBQ, but maker of the bacon. Seriously, bacon. It makes everything better…. and a man who cooks? Sigh.
Who pitches in with the cleaning, even when he doesn’t want to.
Who gives the best hugs…without strings.
Who makes us laugh.
Who quietly protects us.
Who fiercely loves us.
This is a real man.
Know that you are loved.
Always, forever, and no matter what.
Happy Valentine’s Day.
Beautifully written.
Perfectly said….happy valentines day to all of them..
Absolutely love this! Happy Valentine’s Day!
Nicely said, Steph! Can I just cut and paste this?! Love to you all.
That was wonderful. Thanks for sharing.
Wow. Better than any cheese Hallmark card I’ve seen!!
Well said my friend, well said!
I couldn’t agree more!!
I love that!
Happy V Day to all the REAL MEN out there, my hubby included!!
Yessss! LOVE this!
awww…thank you…this is lovely….i am cooking dinner this evening for my bride…
Well, pass the tissues, please.
You just described my husband.
You should also write greeting cards for Hallmark.
Beautiful. Just beautiful!
Well said! Happy Valentine’s Day!
agreed. well said. Happy Valentine’s Day!!