This weekend I have been dealing with one sick kiddo. The stomach flu has taken over our house and frankly, it sucks. My days have consisted of watching my baby girl cry because she feels so miserable, cooling her fevered forehead with cloths, and feeding her ice chips to combat fever and dehydration. Nights have been reserved for holding her hair when she is sick, trying to comfort her and telling her she really is okay. Other then that…feeling sort of useless. It’s awful when your wee one is sick and you can do nothing to help. Logically, I know this is only a tummy bug and in 24 to 48 hours all will be well. Illogically I find myself in tears thinking about an overwhelming, inspiring and completely eye opening tour I just took this past week.
On Friday I was given the very unique opportunity to tour our local Children’s Hospital. For almost three hours I walked the halls with two exceptional tour guides. They showed me the inner workings of this state of the art hospital, threw more stats at me then I will ever remember and forced me to think about children in a way I don’t enjoy. Children who are ill, babies fighting for their lives, and thankfully the little miracles that do and can occur every day.
Haunting me is the image of a tiny girl with wispy blonde hair, light up shoes and a tentative smile. She was quietly treading down a very long hall. This hall was in the Oncology Unit. Behind this darling trailed her stoic yet gently smiling parents and two giant IV stands. I didn’t take her picture, I didn’t have to. I will never forget her sweet face.
Belonging to only one of the many miracles being lovingly tended to in the NICU that day.
It is for these miracles, these miracle moments, for these children that I am throwing everything I have into the MiracleMoms campaign. Ten bloggers from across the United States and Canada are banding together to bring to you just a few of the incredible stories that occur in your local hospitals every day. We are each setting up our own donation pages and we are asking you to join us as we become MiracleMoms raising funds to help all of these families and children as they face the fights of their life. As they become the next incredible success story.
Money raised goes directly to local hospitals for much needed services like Art Therapy, Child Life Rooms, and of course state of the art equipment.
Over the next month and a half I will have the privilege of introducing you to an incredible family and will help to tell their unique story. My pledge, to honour their story and to try and raise $1,000.00 to help Children’s Miracle Hospitals and Children’s Miracle Network.
MiracleMoms will make a difference.
Find my donation page here. Thank you. xoxo
Hello Stephanie. I work as a volunteer in one of the children’s hospitals in Poland. Every time I’m there I see an amazing scenes. Some are moving, others are funny. You are right that they are taken deep into the memory. For me, the children’s hospital is a sacred place. Things that we experience there can not be compared with anything.
Regards and good luck of your campaign.
those tiny feet just broke my heart. great work
Exactly! CMN does great work! I was in a sorority in college and this was our charity! They do such great work for people!
So incredible!! This post brought tears to my eyes. These little fighters are so strong!!
I hope your daughter feels better, soon. xo
So incredible!! This post brought tears to my eyes. These little fighters are so strong!!
I hope your daughter feels better, soon. xo
Sounds like a beautiful campaign.
Feeling so fortunate to be a Miracle Mom too! I could relate to everything you just wrote as I toured Seattle Children’s Hospital today.
We are going to make these goals for the hospitals!
I hope your daughter is feeling much better!
Those perfectly tiny miracle baby feet.. So precious..
I can’t think of a more worthy cause.
Our nephew was born five days after our son, in fact, my SIL shared a floor in the the hospital. Unfortunatly, our nephew, Owen weighed in at 1 lb. 10 oz…he’s truly a miracle kid. Considering he was born at 25 weeks and has absolutely no complications (except for being stubborn :O). As soon as I have a paid job again, I will be more than happy to donate to your cause. We currently donate on a monthly basis to our local NICU, and won’t give it up, even when money is tight.
Thank you so much for providing awareness!!!!
Wow. Good for you. Here’s hoping your daughter is feeling better too…
Oh, sorry your daughter is sick and I hope today she is much, much better! Although those days have ended for me, I well remember how miserable a sick child is and how helpless I felt as their mama unable to make them well. What a heart rending tour and at the same time hopeful! I love the little feet too! We have friends who had twin grandsons born at 27 weeks and weighed a little over 1 lb and a little over 2 lbs. Today they are 18 months old and healthy, sweet little boys!
Wow, what a great thing to do. Love that picture of those precious little feet. Thank you for sharing!
What a wonderful opportunity to spread awareness and help raise money for a great cause. I think you’re doing a beautiful thing.
And thanks for the stopping by my blog today, I’m grateful for the support
Beautiful post. I can’t wait to meet my family from the Montreal Children’s Hospital. Wish I could get down for a day and see first hand the inspiring stories. I hope I do my job as a #MiracleMom justice. These little miracles deserve it.
What a beautiful but tear jerking post! I am very proud of you for having the courage to lend a hand to the tiny miracles out there!