With Olivieri® Lasagna Sheets
Confession time. I am not a fabulous cook. I pretty much fake my way through the kitchen with some preettyy awesome baking, some easy to follow recipes and some kickin take-out…. plated like a pro. Now don’t get me wrong, I can cook up some chicken with the best of them thanks to my chicken obsessed Mama who can cook a chicken 400 ways but other then that. Not so confident.
HOWEVER, one dish I do rock, the Lasagna. Or at least I thought I was rocking it, until I realized there is a way to kick this dish up a notch!
You see, I was the girl using those hard, kind of crunchy ready to go noodles when I made my “Classic Kill You With Cheese and Love Lasagna”. The evidence was clear at the end of the cooking that I had room for improvement, the chunks of super hard “pasta” left on my counter were a dead giveaway. I probably should have gotten a clue when even the dog wouldn’t touch the “pasta” that hit the floor.
This is why I was interested in trying Olivieri® Lasagna Sheets! I have to tell you I now realize what this domestic goddess had being missing out on.
Easy to use, made with whole grain, no preservatives, artificial colours or flavours these Olivieri® Lasagna Sheets were already a better choice then my old alternative. It was time to give them a whirl.
I started to create my “Classic Kill You with Cheese and Love Lasagna”. I know you are dying for the recipe. No worries. I’ll share. (Just don’t tell anyone how ridiculously easy it is)
You will need:
Pasta Sauce
Olivieri® Lasagna Sheets
Ricotta Cheese (1 500g container)
Cottage Cheese (1 500g container)
Mozzarella Cheese (lots)
Tex Mex Cheese (little!)
Lean Ground Beef (umm lots)
Red and Yellow Tomatoes –sliced or diced
Now the easy part:
Brown the ground beef, throwing in some garlic and onion to taste.
Combine Ricotta and Cottage Cheeses and set aside.
Then start layering! Pasta sauce, Pasta Sheets, more Sauce, Beef, Tomatoes, Cheese mixture, Mozzarella and then start again! When you are done top with a little Tex Mex cheese, you know, just because you can.
Doesn’t take long to create a monster of a dinner! You might want to invite the neighbours. Throw in the perfect sides of a Caesar Salad and my new fave, Olivieri Garlic bread. I have never pulled a Garlic Bread out of a package before and said WOW before I cook it!! You can see the garlicky goodness. Delish.
You now have a meal that will actually have your kids saying “thank you” without being prompted. This is HUGE people. HUGE!!
And back to my confessions, I will not be buying the hard ready to go style pastas ever again. These Olivieri® Lasagna Sheets were much easier to use, it was fresh and I feel good about giving to my kids!
Thanks Olivieri!
Disclosure: I am a member of the Maple Leaf Foods Connects program. As part of my participation, I have been compensated both monetarily and with free product , however, all opinions and ideas shared on this blog remain my own.
mmm mmmm mmmmmmmm i do love me a good cheesy lasagne
Mmm! That looks AMAZING!
Those sheets are awesome. I love lasagna. The more cheese the better if you ask me!
I wish I could use anything other than the super pasty gluten free version of the noodles. The garlic bread looks fab!
I will try those type of noodles next time.
Kill them with love and cheese? You are too funny!
i am def a fan of lasagna…wont kick it off the plate…smiles.
That looks amaze-balls! =)
Oh this is great timing I am having a house full of company this weekend and was going to make lasagna I am not that domestic at times either. I think I will punch up my recipe with yours it sounds delicious. B