Oh yes, time to announce the long over due winners of the Horse Magic Giveaway and congratulate a few folks for being brave enough to take the Werther’s plunge and video themselves eating on camera?!
(Hey if I did it anyone can) So here we go!
The Winners of the supremely awesome iPad Magic Horse Story app are:
1) Nancy Tch said… 3 My 5 yr old daughter would absolutely love this! She uses our iPad more than I do and loves to read.
My ten year old daughter would LOVE this! She is not quite as enthusiastic a reader as her older sister, and the “magic” might be just the hook I need to motivate her!
Like u on fb Julie
hebb dot Julie at gmail dot com
Follow on Twitter @leeanncrazylife
My daughter is in love with horses and would love to read this!
Thanks to each and every one of your for entering!
My Brave video makers include:
cool video, great contest, I would upload video if chosen!
(Emma please contact me with your mailing address)
2) Happy Chinadoll said… 10
I would absolutely do a video!! I hope I am not too late.
(jewpoker you are not too late I just need your mailing deets)
I would also upload a video!
5) breej23 at hotmail dot com
Paula!! You’re in too! I just need your mailing deets!
Thanks for to all of you for playing along, your families are going to love you!
congrats to the winners!