So here is a post I never thought I would have to write.
Guess what, this is my space. A place where I come to chat about what happens behind the closed and competitive doors in the suburbs. MY place to tell things like I really see it; bare my soul, and from time to time embarrass the heck out myself in the process. I know I’m on the right track because big companies want to work with me and I get e-mails from across Canada and the United States from fabulous people thanking me for a morning giggle when they needed it most or just for letting them know they are not alone in this crazy mixed up world. Plus, it’s cheaper than therapy.
So now to my problem.
Dear Stalker,
Your interest in my blog is going to a scary place. There is normal interest in me and my life for the intended reader and then there is you. I know it has been discussed that you are to leave me, leave this space alone. Clearly you are not respecting this. Perhaps you think you are clever logging in from different computers, picking different times of the day or checking my twitter feed and blog from your mobile devices, but guess what? I can still tell every single time you look. Every. Time. You may think you are computer savvy but I am smarter. Thanks to all things IP address and all the stats that I have had to learn I know when you check, and where you check from. Hmmm Scary right?? It is time for you to stop.
In short, move on, get a life and mind your own business. You must have better things to do.
Enough Already.
I’m not losing anymore sleep over this.
Diana M. says
One of the things that surprises kids most when a local officer visits classes to talk about the dangers of the Internet and cyber bullying is that they can easily track down who is on the other side of the computer. Internet service providers are required to release personal information as part of an investigation. I hope it doesn’t have to get to that point but inform the authorities right away if it gets too crazy.
Stephanie says
Hi Tammi
Yes naive sums it up. Let’s hope my stalker gets themselves a good education today!
Stephanie says
Lena, Thank you. Yes, this *person clearly is in over their head and is simply wasting his/her time bothering me. I hope this is the end of their obsession with me and that they MOVE on. I don’t want to have to take further action.
Stephanie says
Otin! I am so sorry to hear you have had to deal with a similiar situation. Hope everything is okay now. Thanks for your support.
Stephanie says
Brian, Buttons and C! Thanks so much for your suppport! More proof that there are really good people out there!
Stephanie says is a bit unnerving because to be quite honest I don’t feel I have done anything to deserve so much negative attention. I hope this puts this *person on notice and this is the end of it.
Tammi @ My Organized Chaos says
I too find it hilarious that people think that they can remain anon online. Website owners can see all!! Right down to where you live. Silly naive stalkers!!!
Stephanie says
Thanks for the support Rosanna.
Lena! says
Okay, it’s MIND BOGGLING to me that people don’t understand that when you own a website, you also have access to the back-end analytics. In my case, I can narrow down the IP address AND location of the person visiting my blog to 99% certainty, and I would be happy to send you a copy of the program if you need to deep-dive into this cray stalker further.
EVERY time someone visits a blog, there is a footprint. In the past I’ve printed out reports ready to send to the authorities. Wouldn’t it be funny to receive a visit from the police because you can’t play nice online?
I sincerely hope that your stalker decides to leave you alone and use his/her online time productively. In the meantime, hugs to you!
otin says
I just dealt with the same problem. I reverted all of my old posts back to draft so that my stalker couldn’t go back and soak up everything I had ever written. Not just that, I also learned that authorities can trace a stalker right down to their address.
C says
Seriously? What is wrong with people? People are scary and sick! I’m sorry you’re having to deal with such nonsense. Hopefully whoever it is gets the picture.
Buttons says
Oh I do hope they get the message and “bugger off” I am glad you know where it comes.It is very smart to monitor in this day in age. Everyone should I know I do to. Good luck I hope they got the message.. Scary people out there. B
Brian Miller says
ugh, that sucks…..i went through the same a few years ago…actually got the police to check into it for me as well….i hope whoever it is gets the message…
Campinggirl says
Sounds a bit scary and unnerving.
Rossana says
Good for you! Some people don’t realize they do leave “breadcrumbs”no matter how hard they try to clean up after themselves!They can be found!