Once again I find there are a few things in the Suburbs that are simply ticking me off!
*When I think I have found the perfect parking spot, pull on up to it, so excited to be just steps away from the front door at the massive plaza only to find a ridiculous clown size scooter parked in that spot. Get a real car…scooter. Pft.
*Not being able to get the heat right in the car. It’s either way too hot or too darn cold. Not to be all Goldilocks, but why can’t it ever be “just right”. Enough with the constant adjusting already.
*Waiting with baited breath to get the perfect concert tickets for my DDs, refreshing like a crazy person for 20 minutes BEFORE the tickets even go on sale, only to be told said tickets are “SOLD OUT” the moment the tickets go on sale? How is this possible? Enough with the hundreds of pre-sales and AMEX specials. Mama wants to get some awesome seats to a fab concert for her girls. Just once. Please.
*Cheaters. All kinds of cheaters, but today the one’s who BUY their twitter followers and Facebook fans. Seriously? How dumb are you? Umm we all know you do it and one day the PR folks will call you out on it, then what are you going to do? Stop it already it’s insulting to the rest of us working our assess off to build real relationships. Thanks.
*Parents that swear and are all kinds of “screamy”at their kids. There really is no excuse. Count to ten, take a breath, stop with the yelling. Every time you yell at your kids you change the person they become. Remember that.
*Mean Girls. Enough said, we all know who they are and there is a special place in hell for those little demons.
This my friends is is my list of complaints for today, and you know what? It feels better just to get it off my chest! So go ahead and tell me, what’s ticking you off today?