I can’t recall if my Mother was the one who taught me to “Never leave the house unless you are wearing clean underwear”, you know, in case you get hit by a car and get rushed to the emergency room. I mean, you wouldn’t want any of those strangers to see you in dirty panties, or perhaps worse Granny panties!! But this is a rule I do live by. Don’t be leaving the house in ugly skivvies. Sadly after this weekend, I think I have a new rule to add to my underwear list. Don’t sleep in your “Giving Up On Life Pyjamas” . Don’t act like you don’t know what those are. It’s those PJ’s that you have been holding on to for 10 years that really should be in the trash bin. The elastic may be all stretched out in the bottoms, the tank top that was once a cutsie little matching thing, but is now worn thin and see thru, but you hang onto them. Why?? Simply because when you get to the bottom of the clean laundry pile and you are super tired there is something comforting about putting on those raunchy PJ’s. UNTIL NOW!!
Let me take you back to my Friday night. It started out with a bang and went out with a whimper. My girls had a great evening. One at a girlfriends, one out at a banquet. We waited them out at their exciting evenings out by watching hockey on TV. Woo Hoo. (where is that damn sarcasm font) Finally crawled into bed by about 11:30pm and drifted into a blissful and much needed sleep. At 4:30am, a very rude awakening. Pain in my chest and ribs, breath stolen from me, heart racing, tear inducing fear….. Details I don’t want to go into, pain I won’t soon forget. A scary hour that had my Hubby with one hand on my shoulder, the other hand holding a phone, contemplating calling 911. An agonizing 60 minutes.
I was so wrapped up in a cycle of pain I was having trouble thinking clearly. I couldn’t make a decision. Did I need to go to the Hospital? Was the pain getting worse?
So how did I finally know the pain was subsiding, how did I calm down enough to figure out it was my stupid rib popping out and smashing against a nerve, and that I was going to be okay? When my thoughts drifted from concentrating on trying to catch a breath and dealing with the pain, to the realization that I was wearing ugly ass pyjamas. Mama could not go to a hospital full of potential Grey’s Anatomy looking Docs wearing my I “gave up on life” PJ’s! What if I saw someone I knew? I looked like crap on a stick.
Vanity insanity at it’s best. As I realized I was actually worrying about how bad those PJ’s are I also realized I was going to be just fine.
Some new self truths from my Friday night of pain. The hypochondriac in me now has a split personality. On one hand I think you should never ever go to bed in dirty PJ’s, cause this could happen again but the end result may be a trip to the ER in those embarrassing duds! The looking for the silver lining side learned those ugly ass pyjamas just saved me a trip to the Hospital and there are a LOT of germs there. So what is my conclusion, these are not giving up on life pyjamas, those are some magic ass Pyjamas.
Hope your Friday night was better then mine! Mwah.
New pajamas are on my list!
It seems that a lot of us are guilty. I like old pjs because they are so soft; not scratchy. The tags have long been gone, too. The waistbands have loosened. But, as you said, you never know when the rescue squad or the er will be needed.
I’m glad you’re okay. I’m curious as to how you figured out what was wrong- a trip to the doctor the next day? I hope there will not be a repeat of it!
I agree, always wear nice panties and cute pajamas! So are you okay, what happened?
Wow, so glad you are okay, can only imagine how scary that was! I have too many of those old pjs too! We need to go pj shopping!
You couldn’t look like “crap on a stick” if your life depended on it, lol. I’m glad you’re alright.
Stephanie so glad you are okay… you had me worried and I just threw out those worn out pj’s before I moved.
yikes!!! feel better soon. I would have thought gall bladder.
Oh my gosh!!!! Glad you’re ok!!
yikes, glad all is well! yay for comfy but ugly jams!
Awe, you crack me up!! I’m so glad you’re ok (what would I do without you now that I have you in my life?!)and I’m so glad you wrote this post to make me giggle on a Monday afternoon. I have ugly-ass pajamas and they are my favorite too!
Oh sweetie! I’ve popped a rib out of place before and recognize that pain. Hope you are feeling better today
I TRAVEL in my old-add pyjamas! That’s right! the bottoms are so darn comfy, I wear them on long car trips then change when I get where we’re going
Wearing them now, actually, en route to Niagara Falls for a wonderful family vacation
Oh my!
I really hope you have an appointment to see your family doc to ensure this doesn’t happen again… im thinking if you knew WHAT it was it’s a common enough occurance and not something you should have to suffer with
Glad to hear you’re okay though!
Oh, that’s such a valuable lesson. Glad you are OK, but I would’ve done exactly the same as you~
dang…well glad you are ok…that matters the most of course…and at least you can find humor in it you know…ha…maybe i need to get me some new pjs…smiles.
First and foremost I want to know if you’re okay… but the fact that you were able to tell the story with so much humour makes me think everything is alright