Oh dear friends, it’s that time again. It’s actually way past time that I let off a little steam and vent a little in my own special way; with a passive aggressive letters from the suburbs.
With love of course!
Dear Sir Walking into the Grocery Store,
Exactly where do you think you are? In your very own backyard? Maybe at a baseball field? You are not. You are walking two steps in front of me, about three steps behind a sweet grey haired lady and on your way into a very public, very busy grocery store. This is NOT the place to be hacking up a great big loogie! You Sir are disgusting! I tried to figure out why a grown man felt the need to spit giant bits of grossness all over the parking lot a mere ten feet from the entrance to Loblaw’s. I failed to find a good enough excuse. If you are sick, stay home. If you have some kind of lymphatic draining problem, get a hanky. I come back to this, you Sir are simply disgusting.
Repulsed and gagging in the Suburbs
Dear Family,
I beg of you, take a hint. (or three)
*If I leave a pile of your laundry at the bottom of the stairs. Pick it up and put it in your room.
*See that nice clean island in the middle of the kitchen? Do NOT put your stuff on it. The kitchen counters are meant to be for food prep and dishes, not a magnet to catch your crap.
*It’s great that you know dirty dishes belong in the kitchen, you know instead of in your bedrooms, but I beg of you…put those dishes INTO the dishwasher, not ON TOP of the counter beside the dishwasher. Sigh. It’s the little things.
Just A Mama Living the Life
I have seen this type of behavior before but from a young man about 20, so very rude and disgusting!
What is it about kitchen counters/tables that makes everyone think it is the perfect dumpt site for all their stuff?? Drives me round the bend!
Sorry to hear about your counter tops, but secretly glad to know I am not alone!