NOT EXACTLY A Wordless Wednesday!!
I am a first class worrier. I have been banned from “Doctor” Google, but still have been known to lie awake late into the night obsessing about things I simply can not change. Dumb, you can’t change people or the world from your bed at 2am! So today, I take a different approach. Today I give you a small but mighty list of things simply not worth worrying about! Today I give you a list of three worries I am letting go!
I will no longer worry about the fact that I am just not a domestic goddess. Those Mamas out there playing the role of Martha Stewart or acting all June Cleaver, they can have that role. I am not that Mama. My house is messy, my kids get dirty, my cat pukes on the floor and I dry heave as I make my girls clean it up. Dinner sometimes gets burnt, but that is why God invented Pizza. Domestic Goddess no, Sassy Mama yes.
I will not worry that with every single headache I get, I lose some brain cells and become even more directionally challenged. I now just accept this to be true. I get dumber with every headache. Maybe this will make me funny?
I will no longer worry if I look fat in these pants. Or those pants, or maybe even that sundress? Frankly, I’m over 40, I have two fabulous girls, a happy marriage and I adore food. I have decided to embrace who I am and let that worry go! I choose to embrace healthy and happy.
I think that is all the worries I can possibly release for today. Can’t stop all at once!
Do you have a worry you can let go of today?
Link up below with your worries or your Wordless Wednesdays!
I hate anxiety but I am learning to live with it…try not to sweat the small stuff though too, not always easy but working on it.