NOT EXACTLY A Wordless Wednesday!!
I am a first class worrier. I have been banned from “Doctor” Google, but still have been known to lie awake late into the night obsessing about things I simply can not change. Dumb, you can’t change people or the world from your bed at 2am! So today, I take a different approach. Today I give you a small but mighty list of things simply not worth worrying about! Today I give you a list of three worries I am letting go!
I will no longer worry about the fact that I am just not a domestic goddess. Those Mamas out there playing the role of Martha Stewart or acting all June Cleaver, they can have that role. I am not that Mama. My house is messy, my kids get dirty, my cat pukes on the floor and I dry heave as I make my girls clean it up. Dinner sometimes gets burnt, but that is why God invented Pizza. Domestic Goddess no, Sassy Mama yes.
I will not worry that with every single headache I get, I lose some brain cells and become even more directionally challenged. I now just accept this to be true. I get dumber with every headache. Maybe this will make me funny?
I will no longer worry if I look fat in these pants. Or those pants, or maybe even that sundress? Frankly, I’m over 40, I have two fabulous girls, a happy marriage and I adore food. I have decided to embrace who I am and let that worry go! I choose to embrace healthy and happy.
I think that is all the worries I can possibly release for today. Can’t stop all at once!
Do you have a worry you can let go of today?
Link up below with your worries or your Wordless Wednesdays!
I’m sorry but I had to let out a hearty chuckle envisioning you covering your mouth while the girls clean up after the cat…
Love this. I let go of worrying about my hair thinning and embrace that at least a part of me is thinning.
Reading your post, I felt like I was reading about my own life! I am an incredible worrier(thanks, Mom!). But if I try to remind myself of my blessings, of which I have lots :), I can usually work through the worries!
oh my goodness! I am so so soooooo a worrier!!! :S
Things that are not in my control.
At my work they sprung on me that I had summer school a few days before it started. I panicked, but got everything done. I even talked to my co-worker, whom will cover for me while I’m away 3 times. I’m supposed to help someone else with their class while they are away. Guess what? I’ve asked to talk to them 3 times, nothing.
I said today, the ball is in their court now…and it is.
We all live and learn. Living our life at the fullest, one day at a time.
Good for you!!
HAppy WW..
oh, i’m with you…i’m such a huge worrier. i worry less than i used to, but i still find myself up at night sometimes lol
Better question is – what DON’T I worry about?
My friends have said I am the ‘voice of reason’, but really – for once I would love to be the one who completely throws caution to the wind (that I HAVE done) and not worried about what will happen (that I haven’t mastered)…
Good for you for realizing you need to squash the worries though.. It’s healthy to let go sometimes! ♥
I love this. Let it go!
Way to go! Life is too short to worry about all those things…..
I don’t know what to cook tonight. lol Can I let this worry go? I wish we can just take a break of cooking and go out.
Did you make that up? Anxiety Girl? So funny!
I am queen of anxiety, and everything you obsess(ed) about, I do too.
Kudos to you! I wish I could have let go some of those non-senseble worries that kept me up last night!
i can’t save the world…
and i need to get my superhero tights altered….haha.
i feel you…there are def things i need to let go of…
Oh Stephanie I am pretty sure all women worry like that the secret is as we age we do not worry as much because we know who we are and do not feel that urge to please everyone but ourselves. I love getting older and wiser:) Good luck you can do it. B