Ever have an experience with someone that has you shaking your head for days later? I had one of those a couple of weeks ago at a Taylor Swift concert. Dear Hubby and I had surprised our girls with tickets to this concert, and our seats were nothing short of awesome. 17 rows from the front. Woot! No worries that my girls would be able to hear and see everything Ms. Swift had to offer. Unless of course we happened to be sitting behind the rudest girl ever. What made this girl so hand shaking, anger inducing, almost perplexingly rude? Not that she stood up and did her own version of dancing for the entire concert (we all did that), but because she choose to stand ON HER CHAIR and shake her thing in our faces, completely blocking our view and the view of everyone else behind us. Now I have to add there were signs everywhere stating “No Standing On Chairs” probably more for the safety factor then the rude factor, but still! So what’s a Mama to do when a Rude Girl shakes her ass in front of her daughters and keeps them from enjoying their first concert. She taps her on the shoulder and politely asks her to step off the chair, explaining that her daughters can’t see. When she is met with a VERY RUDE GESTURE and the girl keeps shaking her ass without a care. The Mama Bear moves her kids into the aisle so they can see, then tapes that rude child and posts her ugly ass dancing on the internet.
Perhaps I am the rude one now, or perhaps this is just karma. Boo Ya.
Haha way to get even
I’m glad she didn’t get the best of you, and that you all enjoyed the concert in spite of her!
It is sad that people don’t look around them and only think of themselves, sometimes we live in a very ‘me’ society.
I can see from the video she must have had a good vantage point just standing. Don’t understand why she would be so rude as to stand up blocking people’s view. Hope you were able to enjoy most of the concert – they looked like fabulous seats!
Rude for sure. It’s too bad you couldn’t get in front of her for a few minutes so she could get a taste of it herself. I hope your girls had a great time though!
LOL Now why didn’t I think of that!! A little of THIS Mama shaking her thing in front of her; that would have straightened her right out!
I took my kids to the Big Ticket Summer Concert last year and there were too young teens doing the same thing right in front of us, with their mother right next to them allowing them to do it. We moved to the aisle too. People can be jerks!
I know I shouldn’t continue to be amazed by how rude some people can be, but I am!! Sorry you had to deal with the same kind of thing!
Oh yuck! Sorry you had to go through that.
Let’s just say that she’s quite lucky it was you behind her and not me. Pretty sure I would not have waited for karma to step in. LOL
Oh man, so rude! especially since you paid an arm and a leg for tics! I wanted to share my bosses experience… some ladies behing him and his daugher were talking really loudly about nasty stuff (dropping F-word, N-words, ect) and there were tons of kids around. So he turned around & asked them to stop… they dumped their DRINK on her (the daughers) HEAD! and then ran out out of the arena. Security didn’t see it on time, so they alled the cops & obviously by that time their was nothing they could do about it. Completely ruined an 8yr olds night out with her dad.
Oh my GOODNESS!!! My jaw actually dropped as I read this! Poor family, poor little girl! I know the actions of this rude girl bothered me more then it should of, so can not imagine how that family must have felt. Sigh, you have to hope Karma will get those mean girls!
Concerts can be so irritating, for this very reason. I cannot stand rude people who don’t consider other people’s experiences. I would say I’m getting too old, but sweaty people coming out of mosh pits bumping into me bothered me even when I was a youngin’.