There are few things that can bring a family closer together or bring you more joy then a brand new puppy. Well, except a new puppy that’s not yours? (Can you hear the conviction in that statement? I am sure we don’t need a puppy. Yep, like 75% sure. ) Visiting a new pup provides all the joy of playing, loving and enjoying the puppy antics, and none of the pooper scooping, crying in the night and disgusting stain removal.
Meet Grandma and Grandpa’s new baby, the sweetest of chocolate labs. We get to provide the love, play, then leave with our hearts full. Puppy fix complete with none of the trouble.
Today I am thankful for a weekend of cuteness overload.
I hope you will join me in my not so Wordless Wednesday.
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I love watching them grow into those big paws
Awww, hurrah for grandparents who get puppies!!
We have often considered a puppy but have never made the plunge, maybe someday when the timing is right!
Oooooh that face….TOO cute.
Aw, you’re totally right — cuteness without commitment. That’s the way to go. I think.
My son would disagree.
That definitely is cuteness overload. Great puppy.
Oh my goodness, so adorable.
AWW!!! Too cute!!! We get our puppy fix at my cousin’s. Her German Spitz, Isabella, is adorable!
I’m pretty sure no family with young children needs a new puppy. I know because we got a new puppy last October and it’s still a boat load of work! She is the sweetest little Australian Labradoodle- and thank goodness for her cuteness!!! It’s still so MUCH work!
LOL Oh I do understand what you mean!! There is a reason those puppies are so cute, it’s so you fall so deeply in love with them that you could never give them away! Best of luck until your puppy reaches Toddler hood!
Cute little puppy. I understand the puppy love. Our daughter has a two month old puppy who has been with us a little over a month. He moves to Michigan in a couple of weeks. He makes for our second grand dog. Our other grand dog is visiting with us now, which makes four dogs running around our house.
I am so loving that puppy! If I didn’t already have 3, I know I’d be on the hunt for one just like that one!
He really is adorable, even sitting on his Mama’s lap like a baby!
Even with those adorable puppy dog eyes looking at me, I’m still 100% sure that we don’t have time for a puppy! Fortunately, our Granny just got a new puppy too so my kids can get there puppy fix every now and then by visiting her.
It is so true that Puppies take up a ton of your time, love and energy! But ohhh those puppy eyes are so hard to resist!!
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OH….MY….he is the sweetest!!!
OMG, that pup is adorable! I agree with you though; I love dogs but ownership is a lot of work and commitment. I’ll stick with visiting too.
Oh, my word! Is that puppy every adorable! My mother-in-law got a dog for Christmas and it’s always great to be able to pay a visit with the kids. Having a puppy, though, is like caring for a baby. LOTS of work!