I love shopping, adore it actually. I’m even guilty of participating in the occasional retail therapy. Nothing better to lift your spirits than some sparkly new shoes! My confession; I loathe back to school shopping. The pressure to get it right. The need to find the “right” kind of clothes, with enough cool factor for the kids, and high enough quality to keep this Mama happy all without breaking the bank. Where does one find such magical stuff. Believe it of not, you can find it at Sears!
Thanks to MomCentral and the #SearsMomBTS Campaign I had the opportunity to take my tween girl to Sears, dive into their store and get my shop on.
This year I vowed our back to school shop[ping would be different. I threw the pre-conceived notion of that “perfect day of shopping”, (you know, the one where we would smile and laugh and get it all done in one fell swoop) right out of my head. Instead, I set us up for success!
We started our special Back To School Shopping Day with a fabulous breakfast out on the town. Nothing gets you ready for a day of shopping like French Toast, Pancakes, OJ and loads of Coffee for the Mama. While eating we had time to chat about what SHE really wanted out of this shopping trip. Was it dresses? New boots? Hair ties? It’s amazing how a little person will open up to you over a plate of French Toast drowned in syrup.
As we pulled into the Sears parking lot I felt we had a plan. Our mission, “jeans and a top mom. Nothing fancy because that is not cool.” Got it. We could do this.
I tried to bee line it to the jeans, but in all honesty was completely side tracked by some fabulous sales. First up a jacket! A winter coat? So not on our list, but Dear Daughter spotted it at the same time I did, and then it was all over!
We were in love. Her with the colour and style, and me with the price!!
Wowza! Next on to the jeans. There was an entire wall of jeans to pick from.
Sears had a much bigger selection of jeans than I remembered. We scooped up a couple of pairs to try on, added three or four shirts, a pair of leggings, a fabulous T-Shirt and a sundress that we spotted on sale for $6.00!
Back to the dressing rooms where it was time for SweetGirl to get her model on. The dressing rooms are Sears were big, warm and inviting. There was even a place for Nursing Mama’s to have a seat, nurse, find some quiet time, or do a diaper change.
Jeans first. LOVED them. Nevada Jeans to be specific.
We both loved the style, and I adored the fit and price. Sold! Now I’m wondering if I can find Jeans for myself like this at Sears?
Add in this top, and a couple of tanks and we were rolling along.
We dashed to the check out with smiles on our faces! We had picked up the coat, jeans, two tops, two tanks, a sundress and some socks and the bill rang up at just over $100.00. We had made a huge dent in our back to school shopping all in one stop! I was one happy Mama. Our shopping day at Sears was a huge success.
Disclosure: I am part of the Sears Back to School Blogger Campaign with Mom Central Canada and have received special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions reflected on this blog are my own.
french toast looked good.
I love Sears for its prices paired with amazing quality clothes. P.S. that French toast looks like it could get anyone talking!
You did a great job! Sears has some great clothes for kids this season.
You had me at the jeans. When did Sears starting carrying jeans beyond the “Mom” style jeans? Those are adorable!
I know!! Aren’t they amazing! (and the prize is kind of jaw “droopingly” good!)
I am woefully behind in my back to school shopping! I think I will have to check out Sears On Line tonight! It’s not too late right?
It’s not too late!! I bet you can find even better deals now!
We’ve been shopping at Sears for years and have not a negative thing to say about them. They always have good quality clothes!
Sears really does value quality clothing. I also appreciate their prices. Just can’t go wrong!
looks like there’s alot of great deals at Sears. There’s not very many Sears stores around so I wouldn’t normally shop there but it looks like I should be going
There is also some great deals to be found by shopping at Sears on-line!! I know some Mom’s who got a ton of Back To School shopping done this way this year. Best of luck!
cute jeans!!
Thanks! She absolutely loves them. #Momwin
I Haven’t been to Sears in a while, I have to go check out some sales!
Sears really had some fabulous sales going on. Next time I go back I’m checking out the sundresses for me! I know it’s the end of the season, but my sister found the cutest strapless Maxi dress there I just have to go see if I can get one too!
I haven’t been to Sears for a while, I guess it’s about time to go and see what I can find for my 3rd grader.
My youngest is in Grade 7 and we had no problem finding a few cute things. I’m sure you will find some great stuff for a little one in Grade 3! Be sure to check out the shoes, Sears has some great sales going on right now at our local store!
Shoes, yes that is one thing I have to buy in bulk. My son grows so fast and equally fast destroys shoes I can’t keep up
Everything is better when you start with coffee and French Toast!
LOL I agree. Now if I could just get someone to cook me up some French Toast with a side of bacon and serve it to me in bed about once a week..life might be perfect!
I had no idea Sears carried so many styles of jeans for kids! Guess where I’m headed this afternoon?
Ohhh I hope you will come back and tell me how you did! I really couldn’t believe the selection they have!
Wow! I do love shopping and I really love a sale! You two did great!
I was so happy with the prices, and more than that, we got through the day with a smile on our faces!