I have just returned from a weeks vacation. A week in cottage country, deep, deep in the woods. Seven days that I spent unplugged in almost every way. Almost no television, internet, or cellphone. This also meant my two dear daughters had to do the unplugged thing. Hubby could only be with us for half the time, so us three girls spent a good deal of time all alone. (My sister and her Toddler got sucked in for the last half of this vacation ride)
This either meant we were going to have the best time ever, or we were going to end up as some kind of unsolved murder mystery case on 60 minutes. So how did we do?
Quite simply, we had the best time ever.
Turns out, nothing beats a week in cottage country. We laughed, played and re-connected in a way every family should have a chance to do. I. Am. Blessed.
As I drove the five hours home today, I was almost weepy. Hiding my ridiculous little tears of joy behind my oversized sunglasses. Almost afraid to admit that I don’t remember the last time I felt this at peace, this joyful. Feeling such peace and knowing I am doing right by my kids, knowing I am in the right place, and on the right path. Thankful beyond words for what has been the best summer ever and desperately wondering how I can hang on to this feeling.
For now I will just send up a little prayer of thanks, and try with all my might to hang on tight to this incredible vacation high. I know within two weeks we will be back to “Hurry up, clean up, do your homework and go to bed.” But for now I will bask in the glow of being the cool Mom who jumped off the dock, fished, borrowed her kids sunglasses, shared books, painted her toe nails neon orange, let them have more s’mores than they should, played every bored game twice without interruptions, and danced in the kitchen until we fell to the floor. Summertime Mom is cool and fun, messy and carefree, and so incredibly happy.
So yes, today I’m feeling all kinds of grateful and stuff. XOXO
Time Making Memories with the Family is the GOOD STUFF!