A while back I stumbled across a post that inspired me. The Fitness Cheerleader said it all in one little title, we all do things that are a wee bit nuts, but only when we think no one is looking! I’ve decided being a little bit nuts makes life just that much more interesting. Perhaps sharing my list of crazy will make me just a little less embarrassed the next time I get caught acting the fool!
Here is my list of crazy:
1) I do a lot of driving. A lot of carpooling. It’s just part of the gig. As soon as I drop my charges off at their friends and /or extra curricular the first thing I do? Change the radio station from the Top 20 channel to country. Oh yes I do. Turns out Country Music is my dirty little secret. I lurv me a song about a heartbroken man and ticked off chic’s.
2) It gets worse. During all that carpooling I spend a lot of time alone in that car. Apparently this turns me into a superstar. I’m driving and singing. Very loudly. (but only when’s it’s dark and no one can see me or hopefully hear me) This is also when I practice my duck face. (Having a quality Duck Face makes your teenage daughter crazy. This is a very good thing)
3) When I’m sure no one is looking, I have been known to sneak in a game of Candy Crush, like under the covers of my bed so my kids won’t catch me if they happen to get up and pee. I. Am. Addicted. I can’t stop.
4) Eat chocolate. Oh now wait, I do eat chocolate when people are looking and I am so not ashamed of it. The crazy thing I do when no one is looking? Get that chocolate out of my secret stash! Don’t judge; you can’t survive the suburbs without a secret stash of chocolate of your own. Try it, you will thank me.
5) I am addicted to my iPhone. I think most people check their phones more often than they should, but how many people do you know who tweet, facebook and candy crush it up only stopping when they are so tired that they actually drop said phone squarely on their faces?
6) I talk to my cat. I am a 43 year old woman who has full on conversations with her cat. I miss my dog, it didn’t seem so strange to talk to the dog.
7) When I’m trying on clothes in a change room I always keep my back to the mirror and suck in my gut. I’m convinced some of those mirrors are two ways and some freak on the other side is watching and can see me. I wouldn’t want them to see “things” all hanging out and unattractive, so I turn my boobs to the wall and suck it in. What, it’s logical.
8) I’ve been known to eat an entire container of Hagen Das Ice Cream in one sitting and then hide the evidence. I don’t share the really good ice cream. I’m such a good Mom.
9) When I’m home alone and it’s really late, I’ve been known to watch a shameful amount of the worst reality TV known to man. Do you know how many variety’s’ of the “Real Housewives” there are? Me either, with all that plastic surgery, they all look the same. It’s kind of disgusting.
Now it’s your turn, what crazy things do you do when you think no one is looking?
I ride my bicycle with no hands woo hoo