I would like to think it takes me a lot to get me riled up, but it doesn’t. When I’m short on sleep, in need of coffee and my kids have been treated unfairly, the Mama Bear in me is ready to come out and play. I have less tolerance, and the stupid in this world just seems to get under my skin a whole lot faster. At this point, I have a so much I WANT to say and just can’t, so instead decided to pump out this wee list of five little things that has me feeling ticked off in the suburbs.
1) Parking drama. People turn into idiots in parking lots. Here’s a tip for you. Just because you drive an SUV, this does not entitle you to sport park your vehicle and take up two precious spots in the already over flowing parking lot. I’m already parking challenged, please don’t make it more difficult for me by being a parking spot whore. Park responsibly.
2) The Bathrooms. There are never enough bathrooms at arenas. Hockey may be better with beer, but it would be even more enjoyable if I didn’t have to pay for said beer by enduring a 20 minute bathroom line-up after consuming one of those big gulps. This can get very uncomfortable! Why can’t stadium designers figure this one out. There needs to be double the number of women’s washrooms in every single arena and stadium they ever build from now on. Thank you.
3) The University and College Students are back in town. I love them, I do. I used to be a student and recall how hard it is on that budget. I however have a problem with Student Discount days at our local grocery store. 10% off all their purchases every Tuesday? Huh. Funny because I spend about $200.00 a week at your grocery store ALL YEAR ROUND, and no one ever offered me a freakin discount. Where’s my love?
4) My hair keeps getting caught in my lip gloss. (looks like I’m not the only one!) It’s a little thing, but can’t someone invent a pretty gloss that’s not so sticky? Sticky lips are not sexy.
5) The neighbour keeps locking her car, and then checking to see if her car is locked by doing the double click. You know the double click. It makes the care go “BEEEP BEEP” and indicates “all good babe, your car is locked”. The problem; she’s doing this at 3AM every single morning. Enough sweetie, my kids are trying to sleep!
They say confession is good for the soul, so maybe I will sleep better after getting my goofy complaints off my chest. I’m hoping you will do the same! Go ahead, tell me, what’s keeping you up at night and feeling all twisted in the Suburbs?
Since I lack a lot of slle recently due to my newborn son, stuff seems to be irking me a lot lately more easily. I can relate to your parking issues. People who drive slow in the fast lane irritate me. I mean, WHY?!? Why drive in the fast lane if you are going to go slower than everyone else? Just to annoy me? Just because you CAN? I’m not a aggressive driver but this drives me nuts! Just as nuts as tailgaters. Tailgaters are crazy. If I’m going the speed limit, in the right line or there is a way to get around me GET OFF MY ASS!!!
I really do relate to each and every one of your complaints. More than that, these things can make you crazy when you are sleep deprived and a wee bit stressed!! Wishing you a solid nights sleep with that newborn babe of yours
Four ALWAYS happens to me, especially when my hands are full, and I am totally guilty of number five. Sorry Stephanie!