We had a crazy flash storm here in South-Western Ontario last night. It threw high winds at us, hail the size of quarters, and had all the weather channels screaming “Tornado watch! Tornado watch!”. I was not a fan. Now I am aware I really have nothing to complain about. Except for a cancelled dance class and some really wet clothes acquired by running back and forth from the car, we escaped this latest storm unscathed, but I still stand my ground, storms suck. Here’s why:
*Every time a storm blows through I get a wicked headache. Headaches suck worse than storms.
*Lightening might be cool from afar but when those strikes start taking out trees and hitting the ground around you, that is just super scary.
*Streets flood. We all know this can get ugly and dangerous!
*We often lose power. Sure that might be “romantic” for a few minutes, but then the kids get bored and you have to remember where you put the puzzles and the board games. Then when the kids finally get to bed, you have to entertain your Hubby. Heaven knows he can’t entertain himself.
*Driving in the rain sucks. Driving in a rain storms is white knuckle driving, and it is exhausting.
*Severe rain storms lead to Tornado warnings. Tornados are terrifying. Nobody wants to play the “let’s all go sleep in the basement” game!
So all this to say I am not a fan of storms. I don’t want to think about them, I don’t want talk about them anymore and I certainly don’t want to write about them, so instead let’s all enjoy the picture of this super cute kitty! We should get one yes? Somehow I turned my hatred of storms into an argument for a new cat. Go ahead, be impressed.
Please say yes, I think my cat Phineas needs a little munchkin kitty friend!
No really, that’s what they are called and they are so cute it almost hurts.
Yes, those storms in SW Ontario were bad! Is the pet discussion still ongoing?
Oh, yeah. I completely agree. A new cat is the answer to all your worries.

Storms. WE.have.them. daily. No kidding. Sunshine state?? How about the: carry your umbrella, expect power loss, and your road will be flooded daily state.
But, really. I’m NOT complaining.