*Warning I am tired, and I am about to “date” myself. Feel free to nod along!
Piano Lessons, exams and recitals
Dance (Jazz, Ballet, Lyrical, Jumps and Turns and Acro classes)
Swimming Lessons
Synchronized Swimming
Gymnastics: up to 16 hours per week before she retired and moved onto:
*Many of these activities? For both girls, each and every week.
These are just a few of the things that have kept my girls hopping over the past couple of years. I sometimes feel as if we live and eat most meals in my car. The remarkable thing, we have friends who “put us to shame”. With daughters who do all of this plus so much more! Extra tutor’s, Chinese School, Greek School, competitive soccer and baseball. Theatre classes and camps. Singing lessons galore. Every second of every day accounted for. Exhausting.
If we take a quick ride on the way back machine, my extra curricular activity over the course of my entire life looked a like this:
Swimming Lessons
Volunteering at the local hospital once a week
I think that’s it? I played some High School Sports too.
We did spend every weekend at the cottage, but that sure wasn’t structured.
I could drive a boat, fish and water ski better than any boy I knew, and I was pretty proud of that, but didn’t have to take a “class” to achieve those bragging rights.
Here’s the thing. I was busy, I had fun. I certainly didn’t feel like I was missing anything. As a matter of fact I kind of felt spoiled. So here’s my question. At what point did our society decide we had to also go Go GO! That our babies must have the chance to try everything, do everything be everywhere? That this is the key to success in the suburbs. When do our kids get downtime to just….be?
What side of the coin does your family fall on? Do your kids have a lot of down time, or are you living and dying by the calendar like I am? Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
wow that’s a packed calendar. i keep mine wide-open.
My son just turned 4 and just started JK so we haven’t done the extra curricular activity thing yet. He did go to SportPlay over the Summer though.
I don’t think this really ends until they hit like 12 or 13… then you share the load with more parents :).. they have sleep overs etc.. it can still be a pain in the hind end to try and juggle who to pick up from where and what time and appointments etc.
Yes it does seem to be a “go go go” world these days. Kids are so busy that they don’t get a lot of time to “just be kids”. But I also think that as long as the kids are enjoying the activities that they are in than it is okay that they are busy & involved.