The weather sucks, I can’t get warm, and I started the beginning of my week by inviting an exterminator into my home to do battle with a bat. Shiver. My alarm didn’t go off yesterday, I’m pretty sure I pulled a muscle in my back and my youngest daughter has gone and caught my Man Cold. Does this make me happy? No, it does not. Do I feel joyful? Hell no. What it does is make me want to do is spike my coffee with Baileys, put my head back under the covers and refuse to come back out until spring. Instead I have decided to make today a Thankful Thursday and give my fat ass a big old reality check,…cause it ain’t that bad.
*Took a drive to the lake yesterday to run some must do errands, scored three full hours of uninterrupted couple time.
*It only the middle of January and I already have all the Christmas decorations put away. Winning in my books!
*We’ve had a ton of rain and the weather took a turn to a balmy plus two. Horrid snow is actually melting away.
*Costco was out of chicken on the weekend (how do you run out of chicken?) but when I went back today that chicken was on sale!! Small victory.
*Exterminator declared our house bat free so I can now safely have fires in my fireplace. Maybe I will finally get warm?
*Hubby made me a coffee after dinner today without being asked. Caffeine makes Mama happy!
*I realized the sticker is expired on my car. This is good news because I realized it, I did not require the assistance of a police officer to be enlightened with this important information. (not that this has ever happened)
*Had an epiphany; I may not be able to remember the name of the couple I met five minutes ago, but I still remember all the words to “Like A Virgin”, so at least it’s just my short term memory that’s shot. It’s important to find the bright side.
All of these things are worthy of big fat thanks! Spring will come, the sun will shine again, kiddo will recover from the Man Cold and in the meantime, there is always that Baileys!
Debbie Bashford says
Costco ran out of something?? wow
Rick F says
Gotta love Bailey’s
loucheryl says
I’m with you…how does Costco run out of chicken??? LOL!
Emilia says
A coffee after dinner is a treat, I don’t have that too often, but very special when it is made and given
Parent Club says
reading this reminded me the sticker is going to expire on my car — I’m thankful you reminded me 😉
Cheryl Grandy says
It’s amazing how many things we have to be thankful for when we stop to look for them! Thanks for the reminder and the lighthearted post.
MrDisco says
i’m joining your grumpy campaign and calling on a ban on january. i slipped on black ice and hurt my knee on Friday. Be gone evil January!
Heidi C. says
I loved this list of positivity, especially that you are bat-free! Gotta celebrate the small joys and victories!
Busy Bee Suz says
Oh, I love your list. Seeing the good over the bad is a gift and you have it!
Stay warm!!!!