She said WHAT???
Gossip. Do you gossip? Think hard before you answer. I bet you do. I think everyone does, at least a little bit. A teeny bit of “Did you hear Joanne is pregnant with their second?” “Oh no, that poor little Julie is sick again!?”. Maybe even a little offside stuff. “Good grief that Mama should not be wearing those pants, NOBODY should be wearing those pants, those be bar pants!”. I think most of us participate in a little bit of inconsequential, hopefully harmless gossip. I’m not saying it’s right, I’m just saying this is reality.
So there is harmless small talk gossip and then there is just plain being a bitch. Gossip to the tenth degree. The spreading of lies, the making up and spreading of rumours, and gossiping for the propose of being an attention seeking whore. You know who they are. They are the Drama Mama’s, the devil’s in disguise, the fake friends and it is time to call them out. When these “ladies” open a conversation with “I have the hottest gossip to tell you.” SHUT THEM DOWN. When these losers are found out to be telling lies. CALL THEM ON IT. Don’t be afraid of them, we do not need them or their gossip to survive, as a matter of fact we would all be better off without them.
Here’s the thing, you can’t pretend to be nice, when you are not, you will be found out. You can’t be sweet to our faces and then chat about us behind our backs, it will catch up to you. You can keep continuing to gossip forever if you like, but it will get you nowhere. Why? Karma is a bitch.
PS Not to worry! I’m not posting this because I’ve been the victim of some big gossip fest. (at least not that I know of) I’m just tired of some bad manners in the Suburbs. Peace.
I hate gossip – I do not discuss other people’s business with neighbours, coworkers, etc. I made a conscious decision to do this when I found out an (ex) friend gets together with ladies in the small community we grew up in for the purpose of gossiping. They are actually proud of it. Soooo…I stopped talking to them
Yeah, people talk about each other all of the time (Oh, I hear so and so is pregnant…good for her!) but some people dwell on negative things (oh, poor so and so, I hear she can’t have kids…cue reasons why, etc. etc. ) or get some sort of sick enjoyment out of other peoples’ misery. Not cool!