In life we make hundreds of choices every day. Shall I have another coffee? Black socks or white? Skip the dreadmill today? Most are of little consequence, don’t require a large mental capacity and will not have huge impact on your life. However, there are some decisions that should not be made when you are sleep deprived, grumpy bitchy, and deep in the brain fog. Today I make a list, a public service announcement if you will, of decisions you should never make on less than six hours of sleep. Yah, that’s why I’m doing this, not because I’ve done these.
Decisions you should never make when you are feeling like a zombie mom:
*Should you chop your hair off into a super cute bob for summer?
*Should you get a puppy? A great big puppy?
*Should you throw caution to the wind and buy that complete outfit from Anthropologie and just get it shipped?
*Should I just finish the damn ice cream and get it out of the house?
*Should I just volunteer to coach the girls softball team? Geesh, someone’s got to do it and I can so throw the ball like a girl!
Thankfully for most of those sleep deprived decisions I managed to avoid catastrophe thanks to either friends, family or simply nodding off. But not all of them. Sigh, I’m not telling you which ones. Some of them are blogworthy.
Rosie says
I’m laughing b/c I think I’ve done all of these, and afterwards swear not again – but my imagination finds something new to take me unawares – that is until I have done it!! The most recent was the hair – so much for a tiny trim that I had to keep “evening out” – now I have a puppy clip and many headbands.
Debbie Bashford says
Bad decisions oh yeah lol one or 2 dozen but know I can blame them on a lack of sleep
Chandra Christine O'Connor says
ha! I do say that about yummy things in the house. but I wasn’t sleep deprived
Melinda says
Hahaha. I know exactly what you mean! Been there, done that. Luckily I haven’t made too much outrageous decisions while sleep deprived…well with the exception of online shopping 😉
Shelley N says
Yes sleep deprivation definitely makes you choose unwisely but one of the worst things it does is that it often makes you say things that you do not really mean or that you mean but you should have kept those opinions to yourself. Been there that is for sure.
Yuen C says
Sometimes I can’t sleep because I keep thinking about the decisions I made throughout the day.
Stephanie says
Those decisions that keep you up at night are no fun at all! Hope you sleep better tonight.