It seems I have developed a very dark way of looking at the world, or at least the the people of this world. I am far to quick to jump to the very worst of conclusions.
“We need to talk.”must mean bad news.
“An urgent request for a meeting.” has to be something horrible.
“You have to come in for those results.” is going to be devastating.
Why am I pre-programed to always think the worst? To be a glass is half empty kind of girl? This is a negative, soul sucking, and sad way of living!
Sometimes friends just want to catch up, fabulous proposals are presented, and little dreams do come true. Life is not always throwing you bad news! Most times people are good, kind, caring. Most times, everything is going to be just fine. I believe in people and I believe in kindness, I just have to remember that. It’s time for this Mama to get herself some rose coloured glasses and start looking at the world with a new perspective. Here’s to breaking bad habits and knowing that the world isn’t always full of darkness, sometimes it’s full of rainbows and sunshine, you just have to look for it.
Chandra Christine O'Connor says
my friend always says I slip to the dark side when I think of what could have happened or why someone said or did something lol
Secret Agent Woman says
In my experience, “We need to talk” is NEVER good. But other than that, yes, it helps to at least entertain some positive thinking about that sort of thing.
Jay Miller says
This is something I’m working on too. Grew up in terribly negative family (Whoops…I kind of did it there, didn’t I!?) so it’s a hard habit to break.
Jo-Anne says
A lot of people need to chage their choice of sentencing as well. Like you said 1> We need to talk?? Why not follow it.. We need to talk. It’s been awhile..I call that a case of lazy sentencing.. haha.. Follow the negative with a positive..
Jo-Anne says
early in the am.. I meant to say change not chage.. haha
Stephanie says
I’m working on securing an entire box! 🙂
Jessie says
If you do find those rose colored glasses, could you please send a pair my way? 🙂
Deborah Pucci says
Me too! My glass is always half full.
Here’s to complete success in seeing things differently!
Stephanie says
Let’s fill those glasses to the brim!! Cheers!
Deborah Pucci says
Great idea….cheers!
Nancy T says
I USED to be a glass half full and always saw the good in everything…over the past few years, being around a constant negative Nellie has made my rose coloured glasses fade and my glass become half empty! Here’s to joining you on your journey to seeing things in a more positive light!
Stephanie says
Oh my goodness you are so right!! It only takes one negative person to change the world around you!! Time to surround ourselves with some positive Pete’s!!
Busy Bee Suz says
I agree. I hear the rose colored glasses are readily available too! 😉
Stephanie says
I’m working on wearing those fabulous rose coloured glasses right now! 🙂
slamdunk says
I need to join that club Stephanie. When I get a text that says “call me,” I immediately think the worst. Fortunately, 80% of the time it is me worrying about nothing.
Stephanie says
The text! The text is the worst and I am so guilty of thinking the worst when I get it. Why is that, because you are so right, most of the time, it is nothing!! Time to change our way of thinking!
Tess says
I know many people that think the worse all the time. I slip into it myself. It’s hard!
Stephanie says
It is hard not to slip into the negative! Hoping we both have a fabulous good news filled weekend!
Gigi says
Oh yes! Particularly after you have dealt with bad news, more bad news and then some more. You are trained to steel yourself for the next one. Yeah, I need to invest in a pair of those rose-colored glasses too.
Stephanie says
You know I think you’re right! When bad news is followed by more bad news, it is just what you come to expect! Time to start expecting some good news into our lives!
Soozle says
Oh that is so me too 🙂 It’s a VERY easy habit to fall into, I am afraid.. As an above poster said, it certainly does take discipline to maintain a positive mind frame! Good luck 🙂
Stephanie says
Thank you!! Hope you are having a bright and fabulous day!
Kaitlyn says
It’s a very easy habit to slip into, that always assuming the worst thing, I get it!
I too need to start seeing the glass as half full, some days it’s easier than others!
Stephanie says
When the sun is shining and everything falls into place it is easier to see the bright side. I guess that’s only natural.
brian miller says
i hear you…i think we come to expect it after enough times of having to face those dark shadows….it takes discipline to see the positive…
Stephanie says
I think it does take discipline to see the positive. Somehow that is so wrong! 🙂