Eleven Days. Just 11 more school days until my kids are off for two glorious months. Yes, I am one of those Mama’s who loves to have her children home for the summers and wishes the school week was only four days long. Weirdo.
The crunch is on for all the last minute assemblies, dance recitals and picture days. Panic to get field trips squeezed in, and studying for exams. There are fancy dinners, school picnics, teacher gifts to buy and summer plans to make. July has never felt both so close and yet so far away! There are a few things I know for sure, no, a whole lot of things that I’m not going to miss about this school year:
1. “Mom, I can’t find any socks!” Seriously, Where the hell do all the socks go?
2. School lunches. No matter how organized I am at the beginning of the year, how much variety I think I’m throwing at my girls in September, by June, these lunches are nothing but tedious and boring.
3. Texts that read; “Mom I forgot my lunch.” Sigh.
4.. The alarm clock.
5. Early morning band practice! (I’m not even the one going to band and yet that early morning practice is so painful)
6. Group projects. I know they are supposed to teach all kinds of team building and co-operation skills, but in this ridiculously busy time we live in those damn group projects end up being drama. Personal conflicts, one child doing less than the others, and trying to find time everyone can work on them together? Yuck.
7. The Car Pool Drop Off and Pick Up Lane! Grrr
I am grateful every day for the incredible education my children are receiving, but for some reason, this year, I can’t wait for school to be over! Bring on the summer!
Love the summer!! We can all catch our breath, relax and enjoy ourselves
I’m so with you! Welcome summer!
Ha ha. You are right at the finish line; I know you can make it.
And before you know it….there will be NO MORE school. I’m sure you won’t have to make lunch when they are in college.
So close
Enjoy the holidays!
omg yes! I so don’t miss the alarm clock or super early morning band practice! Actually that’s not true…I still have the pesky alarm clock to deal with thanks to work
Looking forward to the summer my friend
OMG I am totally with you. I will relish every second of our summer vacation as I too hate the alarm clock and making lunches. Ugggh next year I will have 3 full time in school and one full time at home with me. I will live everyday of the summer as if it were the only one I get