There is one voracious reader in this house, no matter how hard I try, I can’t keep up with her! My oldest daughter has a passion for reading and an insatiable appetite for all genres of books. She tends to steer clear of the vampires and zombies, and has torn her way through the cult classics. In an effort to stay ahead of her this summer, I have complied my list of Top Ten Must Read Books. It should keep her occupied for a couple of weeks!
1. Anthropology of an American Girl: A Novel by Hilary Thayer Hamann
A long island high school girl writes about what it’s like to be a 17 year od girl in the 1970’s. Written in the first person, there’s teen love and teen angst, a perfect summer read.
2. My Life Undecided by Jessica Brody
The story of a 15 year old girl who starts a blog to let her friends and readers make her decisions for her? Oh yes, we both might have to read this one!
3. The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
The Perks of Being a Wallflower is a deeply affecting coming-of-age story that will spirit you back to those wild and poignant roller-coaster days known as growing up
4. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
Now a blockbuster movie I’m sure you’ve heard about this one! Young love and tragedy will have you reaching for the tissues.
5. The entire Hunger Game Series by Suzzane Collins
Katniss Everdeen not only is a heroine in the books but in my house! This character inspired my entire family from 12 year old daughter to the SassyHubby to get involved and read the series. They are page turners.
6. Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbit
The Tuck family is protecting a secret about their 10 year old daughter, she never ages. When this secret is discovered life gets very complicated.
7. The Giver by Lois Lowry
The first in a series of a seemingly flawed utopian society. Following the story of a 11 year old boy named Jonas and his assigned role in this futuristic society this is a book both my 12 and 15 year old daughter are anxious to check out.
8. The Beginning of Everything, Robyn Schneider
Sports star Ezra Faulkner was supposed to be homecoming king, but that was before before a car accident shattered his leg and changed everything.
9. White Space by Ilsa J. Bick
Described as a thrilling and scary young adult novel about blurred reality where characters in a story find that a deadly and horrifying world exists in the space between the written lines, I know it will appeal to my teen!
10. (My Daughter’s vote for book for best series, she’s read her copy so many times the pages are worn) The Shatter Me Book Series by Tahereh Mafi
A futuristic superhero story with a heroine as the star! Telling you any more would simply give it away!
These are my picks for Top Ten Reads for Teen Girls this summer, and I know it’s not enough to even get us through July! Do you have any favourites to add to my list?
*Pictures courtesy of
Great list! My daughter has read about 4 on this list. I will have to share these other titles with my daughter. She has read everything by Lois Lowry. Great author!!
my oldest loves reading too. we moved a lot so starting a new high school when she was going into grade 11 was tough. she decided to read her Harry Potter books again maybe for the 100th time. this time spent reading really helped her focus on her school work she improved so much by the time she graduated is was an Ontario Scholar and graduated with honours. Reading is really essential to succeed in school i feel anyways
Really great list of books! I’ve read a few of them.
omg I love, love The Giver!!! It’s a good list, I have #3 and 4 on my list of books to read
great recommendations!
Awesome list, my teen and I were just discussing her lack of reading since school has been out… I’m going to recommend some of these to her ! Thank you so much.
My niece would enjoy the books on this list
I’ve read Tuck Everlasting, but not other books on this list. My Life Undecided sounds like a good plot.
I know a couple of girls who would love this list!
I have actually read a few of these
Great list I am going to share it with my friend who has a couple of teens that love to read.
They are all very good books, I also read the Gone series by Michael Grant, I liked them and couldn’t put them down
Great list not just for teens
As you know, I am an AVID reader – and though I don’t generally read YA books, I LOVED the Hunger Games series. And some of your other recommendations have found their way onto my To Read list.
If your daughter likes the Hunger Games then she will probably also like the Divergent trilogy.
i’ve read 3 on that list
Love the Hunger Games books!