Spin the spinner, move through life, and hope you land where you were meant to be. THE GAME OF LIFE is not that different from the real thing. In THE GAME OF LIFE, you have the opportunity to hop in your little white car and take off in pursuit of your dreams! You make career choices, find a partner in life, perhaps add on a gaggle of children, and if you’re lucky end up with a sweet beach house before you retire. The real game of life may not be so straight forward, but does mirror the game when it throws you those curve balls!
Our latest little curve ball, the decision we have been struggling with; do we add to our family one more time? I don’t mean a baby. (You all know me better than that!!) I mean a puppy! We were the proud and loving owners of the sweetest black lab for almost 13 years. We have now been without a dog in our lives for almost two years and our home? It’s just a little too quiet, a little less chaotic then we are used to. It’s also been a lot cleaner! Finally after muucch debate, it has been decided – yes. We will open our hearts one more time and find a new pup to love. Decisions are now being made in a fast and furious manner! Research has been done to find which breed is the best match for our family. Pennies have been saved and a fantastic breeder and support system found. Next steps, it’s time to start puppy proofing. Oh yes, this is a real thing. Before Christmas, one of these little babies will be calling our house, home! It’s a Blue Great Dane! Sweet right?
Dantry Dane Pup
This turn in our personal game of life is going to be an interesting one! Sometimes the game of life feels like work, sometimes it’s a whole lot of fun. This is why I am so happy to spread the news that THE GAME OF LIFE – CAA Edition is back for the 4th year and it’s better than ever! Woo hoo! This one is FUN! Players have a chance to win over 2,600 instant prizes and an incredible dream vacation! With new mini games, instant prizes and AMAZING grand prize vacation destinations you don’t want to miss the opportunity to jump in and play!
Here is everything you need to know. Playing is easy and here are my tips! First, if you live in South Central Ontario, you can earn an entries daily by playing THE GAME OF LIFE-CAA Edition every 24 hours. You will want to do this to earn your chance to win great prizes and entries into the grand prize draw for an incredible dream vacation! Those dream vacations, they are AMAZING! Think FLORIDA FAMILY FUN an 8-day trip for 4 people to Orlando theme parks, a NORTHERN EUROPE CRUISE, a 7-night Norwegian escape for 2 people with Holland America Line, or SIGNATURE ARGENTINA experience, a 2-person, 13-day tour of the best of Argentina (Buenos Aires, El Calafate and Mendoza). See, I told you, amazing!
Want to know the secret to increasing your chance of winning? Of course you do! It’s simple:
* Increase your odds of winning by bookmarking this site right now and then come back and play the online game each and every day
*The more often you play, the better your chances!
*You can also earn bonus entries by sharing your game activity on social media and by inviting you friends to play!
*And don’t forget, you can also earn bonus entries through winning mini games, and by redeeming GAME OF LIFE Dollars (G.O.L.D).
So don’t forget! Play online every day from Sep. 29 to Nov. 23, 2014 for your chance to win thousands of instant prizes and 1-of-3 dream vacations. Best of luck!
The puppy is so cute! Been playing the Game of Life Daily; won a car wash this morning woo hoo!
Good luck to you!
Cute puppy! Been playing everyday and keeping my fingers crossed!
My fingers are crossed for you!
What a gorgeous breed. Good luck puppy proofing!!
Our house is SO not puppy proofed yet! I have a LOT of work to do!
they are beautiful dogs.
So much cuteness in these pups! Can’t wait to bring ours home!
That puppy!! How adorable! And this game. Don’t be telling anyone else about it. I’m off to win myself a cruise!
LOL Best of luck!