Do you remember the exact moment you were told you had to get braces? I do. I was a 15 year old string bean of a girl, had just started a brand new high school in a brand new city and I was…devastated. I sat in my bedroom and cried in my Father’s arms until I thought I might throw up; sure my life was over. I feared rejection, isolation and I just knew I was going to be the ugliest girl in the world.
Fast forward almost 30 years and I’m living it all over again. The drama, the fear and yes the tears that come with the announcement that braces are required.
I have two beautiful girls ages 13 and 15, each with their own stories and each with their own dental drama. My 13 year old SweetGirl wants nothing more than to slap some braces on her pretty face and get on with this dental work. She wants braces SO badly, she offered to pay for them herself? My 15 year old BlueEyed girl wants nothing to do with the metal. Nothing! So what do you think happens when we enter the orthodontist office for our consultation? One skipping, the other being dragged by her ear? The complete opposite of what should have. Too soon for SweetGirl to get braces, her teeth need more time to do what they are going to do. And BlueEyes? Signed her up. End result, crying all around, including Mom (when the kids couldn’t see) Some sort of post traumatic stress disorder?
When your kids hurt, you hurt. You are only as happy as your unhappiest child. So how do I fix this? How do I make it better for little people in my life? I can’t, but I can lessen the blow. Teach patience. and to look at the big picture. One foot in front of the other, one step at a time and it’s all worth it in the end. Sometimes life feels unfair and hard, but it’s just a bump in the road.
We’ll get through this little bit of braces drama with love, support some big bills and praise for the brilliant Dentist who created Invisalign. We’ll get through it knowing it’s only braces and the big picture is life as a teenager can suck, but when your Mama’s “gets it” it helps….a little. I hope? Wish me luck.
I got braces as an older adult. What made it easier is a co-worker, also older (as in we were not teeny-bops), got them around the same time, and we’d chuckle over catching each other eating things we weren’t supposed to. I can see how a mid-teen would have a hard time of it. I think it looks cute on teens, which may be why your younger one wants them. You are sooo pretty, I’m sure you were cute as a teen, and in those days, it was probably more mortifying in that the braces were more unattractive than now.
Braces are hard to get used to, but are definitely well worth it!
Aw I feel her pain too, as I had braces in elementary school and hatteddd them. Do any of her classmates have them?
Aww, I feel for her. It’s a big change for girls! But she WILL thank you some day for it!
I just took my 9 year old daughter in to see if there was anything to be done to prevent braces
I was one of those who said sign me up for braces, no problem what so ever! Well….famous last words
But thank goodness I made it through the process.
LOL So glad you made it through!! (and I’m trying really hard not to think about how much this is all going to cost! EEK!
That’s true the cost is going to be quite the amount, hopefully it’s not too much! But it will be worth it in the end
Good Luck! Means you are a great mom when you hurt when your kids hurt! I was lucky and managed to avoid having braces when I was teen.
Oh that is so sweet! I do my best! You were so lucky to be a natural beauty and not need those braces!
I agree ” When your kids hurt, you hurt. You are only as happy as your unhappiest child.” I didn’t need braces and my children didn’t have any issues getting them. I’m sorry your daughter is struggling with this. Good luck!
Thanks for the love! Truly appreciated
I feel for her too……apparently she doesn’t feel the need.
I was the opposite. Picture snaggletooth. I couldn’t get mine until we had the funds and my life was much better once the metal was in place. Wishing them both the best in their dental endeavors.
You nailed it. My oldest just doesn’t see the need. I know when we are all said and done she will thank me, we just have to power through! My youngest is just like you…aching to get some braces on her face! Can’t wait until we get the green light for her!
I will never forget the day I was told I had to get braces. It’s a hard one!! I’m sure you will all get through it, it’s the initial shock that’s the hardest. Hugs to everyone, even you!
Thanks for the hugs, we will take them! I remember the day I was told I had to get braces too. It’s almost a right of passage isn’t it. Silver lining, all of us that were told that, now have beautiful teeth
They have come a LONG way with braces – I have adult friends who have had the invisalign (and you cannot tell they are there but worked wonders) AND a friend who went the old school route… the old school route is also less noticeable compared to the braces of the past…
Good luck with everything ♥
Thanks so much for your words of encouragement! I agree, braces have come a long way. I so wish there had been Invisalign when I was a kid.