The following giveaway is open to Canada only.
I come from a long line of sensitive skin sufferers. My Mom always had to watch what she washed our clothes in, my Sister is uber sensitive to everything, and my BlueEyed girl has the most sensitive skin of us all. I once rushed that girl to the Doctor, convinced she had come down with an exotic disease because she had little round circles all over her body. Nope, no disease, just her skin reacting to coming in contact with the little snaps on her sleeper. High maintenance from the beginning that one. (just like her Mama) From the outset, my dear daughters have required scent free lotions, careful selection of sunscreens and yes, only the mildest of laundry products. This is why I am truly happy to be able to introduce you to Tide Pods Free & Gentle, a detergent free of dyes and perfumes. It’s proven to be gentle on skin while still providing that deep clean that us Mamas require!
So small, so sweet! You want to make sure their sensitive skin is cared for.
SweetGirll, SassyNephew and moi!
Perfect for those with sensitive skin, the Tide Pods I love and know will provide an outstanding clean, yet are mild enough for the sensitive skin of my family. It’s the best of both worlds! With Tide Pods Free & Gentle, you don’t have to sacrifice cleaning performance for gentleness.
Do you suffer from sensitive skin? Leading Canadian dermatologist, Dr. Sandy Skotnicki, knows that sensitive skin can be painful, irritating and frustrating. Here are her top tips to help soothe and prevent irritable skin:
Avoid fragrances and or botanicals in your daily washing, soaps, detergents and moisturizers, as they can be both irritants and allergens. Test out a detergent like the new Tide Pods Free & Gentle. For people with sensitive skin seeking a detergent free of dyes and perfumes, Tide Pods Free & Gentle provides a deep clean that leaves behind no dyes or perfumes on fabrics, for gentleness on skin.
- Stick to non-foaming “soaps” in the shower. They do not strip the skin of its natural oils.
- Only shower or bath once a day. Water dries out the skin.
- Make sure that you keep bathing times to under 15 minutes and avoid using hot water.
- After bathing, pat dry. Rubbing your body with a towel will remove moisture and further dry out your skin.
This month, I’m able to offer one lucky reader of How To Survive Life In The Suburbs a Sensitive Skin Laundry Pack valued $45.00 which includes:
- Tide Pods Free & Gentle – $21.99
- Ultra Downy Free & Sensitive – $9.99
- Bounce Free & Sensitive – $9.99
- Tide Stain Release In-Wash Boost Action Pac Free Nature – $7.99
- This way, you can try it for yourself! Please enter using the Rafflecopter form below. Open to Canada only, closes November 1, 2014.
Disclosure: I am a P&Gmom. As part of my affiliation with this group I receive products and special access to P&G events and opportunities. As always, the opinions on this blog are my own.
we ALL would, especially my two year old. Daddy has very sensitive skin and tends to get rashes if we don’t use mild laundry soap.
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