What was that? I heard a sniffle. I’m sure that was a cough. Oh that child did not just sneeze three times in a row! Now she feels nauseous? Now I feel nauseous? Deep breaths. NO I take that back. No deep breathing. Do not breath in the germs; must KILL all the germs and CLEAN ALL THE THINGS. Must survive the sniffles, cure the kiddos who have had the nerve to start to feel feverish three days before Christmas, NOT CATCH THE FLU and make it to the Holidays!
So how does a self confessed germaphobe survive cold and flu season, get the shopping and baking done and make it to the Holliday’s without losing her mind? Here are my tips:
*Always have Mr.Clean on hand. Always, and don’t be afraid to use it to disinfect all the things!
*When you clean, don’t forget the light switches, the door knobs and every computer, Ipad and phone those little germ infested children have touched.
*Remember you were banned from using “Dr.Google” for a reason. If it presents like a flu, looks like a flu and your kid is just plain dog tired….it’s not a tumour, it’s a flu. Take another one of those shallow breaths and remember this too shall pass.
*Keep spare toothbrushes in the bathroom cupboard. My family uses the Oral-B Pulsar and we keep them on hand for sickie emergencies and for guests! As soon as your sick people start to feel better, trash that germ laden brush, and give them a new one! Remember, replace don’t reinfect!
*Silver lining: Thanks to a two day flu that ran through this house and the accompanied paranoid that me feel sick too, my kids were fed homemade chicken noodle soup, tons of liquids, and light chicken and rice. Guess who no longer looks fat in those pants? Hello! It’s the germaphobe diet!
Wishing you all a healthy and Happy Holiday!
Disclosure: I am a PGMom but this was not a sponsored post, just tips from a Mama who has been there.
You should try cleaning with vinager. It’s not a chemical, all natural and would be better for your family’s health.
We just got over being sick during Christmas, I went out yesterday and stocked up on my disinfecting supplies.
Yuck, I hate getting sick. I work with the public and I am creeped right out when a stranger coughs near me. I can just feel the germs all over me! Since it is inevitable that we all get sick from time to time, your tips are a nice reminder that I need to be diligent and keep Mr. Clean on hand. Thanks for the post. You just may have saved me from getting the flu this season.
I always seem to get sick at the holidays so I will definitely using your tips.
Yes the flu diet is no fun but it does have it’s benefits
Hope everyone stays healthy over the holidays. So far (knock on wood) no one has been sick here.
Oh no, how is it that sickness always seems to pop up during the holidays?! Hope everyone is on the mend and that you have a wonderful Christmas!
Oh no, I hope the flu leaves your house soon! Nothing worse than preparing for the holidays when you’re feeling under the weather.
I love the ban from Dr. Google!!
There’s nothing worse then a flu bug running through the family. I’m the same way about making sure everything is disinfected as soon as I can!