A word to the wise. When you’re coming off a stressful week, a week that’s been all about everyone else and your feeling a wee bit down, it’s NOT a good idea to break out the credit card and head to the mall for a little retail therapy. Sigh.
Why is it when I’m feeling a little blue I suddenly have the urge to go buy something pretty? This usually logical, level headed Mama turns into a one woman shopping tornado! I can rip through a mall in a matter of hours. No designer bag stands a chance. The thought of buying myself a new pair of boots, indulging in a pair of designer jeans or even that pretty little T-shirt I’ve had my eye on becomes the best idea I’ve ever had. Oh but I don’t stop there, the purchases need not be clothes. Suddenly the MAC and Estee Lauder counters become danger zones. Free gift with purchase at Clinique? Clearly I have to stop there too! All at once nothing in my closet or on my shelves is quite good enough. I must BUY ALL THE THINGS! A wrap dress from Banana Republic, on sale of course, a new phone case for one daughter and maybe a new pair of Lululemons for the other. “How will you be paying Miss?” Charge it!! Walking out of the mall, arms loaded down with fabulous finds and gifts for loved ones, sunglasses perched on my nose and a goofy grin on my face I feel like I just won the freakin’ Boston Marathon. I feel good. Really good. For a moment. Then….good grief. The math. Don’t do the math. Don’t add it up!
My next brilliant epiphany, credit cards should come with a built in warning system. Using it too much? Maybe that little baby should vibrate a little in your hand, give you a wee shock. Just enough to get your attention and make you think twice before plunking down the VISA. Breaking your normal spending habits? How about if that card starts flashing neon colours every time you pull it out of your purse. Getting close to approaching the limit on that card? I say that card should heat up! A HOT card should stay in your wallet! Maybe send you a text message that says “ Warning! Warning! What the hell are you doing girl? Buying this little black dress (for which you have no need) will not solve your problems! Save your pennies for that next vacation!”
Ah! Retail therapy is not a game for the weak. It’s right up there with Emotional Eating. Another game I excel at. It really is too bad emotional shopping is so darn dangerous cause it feels so goooood.
I have learned over the years that emotional shopping and eating,are not good…not good at all
I only feel good about shopping when I’ve saved on nearly everything that I had to buy anyway
I think all women get a high from shopping. For me it doesn’t matter what I’m buying, I just feel great when I get home and I’m pulling the stuff out of the bag. Everything except groceries, there’s no high for groceries unless it’s chocolate !!!!!!!!!
I’m headed for some emotional retail therapy shopping this weekend….I don’t want to know how happy I’m making my credit card company….
I’m the exact same way! I splurge on things that I would never consider buying otherwise!
I can sympathize! Just this past weekend I went on a shopping spree (not emotional shopping, I just had to get workout clothes and a dress for a wedding. honest!!) and I didn’t walk away until I spent a lot of money. I didn’t realize how much until last night… oops!
yes your right it dangerous , i stay away from malls when i m feeling like that , i would blow every cent i had lol
Me too!!! I should have amazon blocked on my laptop…you know, for the safety of my wallet!!!
I try to avoid the malls – problem solved!
haha…funny post and I can identify with it so much! I am an emotional shopper too. If I’m feeling down, look out. Shopping just makes me feel better. The whole process of looking for that perfect piece (of clothing, shoes, or makeup) testing it, yup looks good, going up to the counter, paying for it, having them put it in the bag and then I walk out all happy, then on to the next store. Ahhh a great feeling indeed. I bring my purchases home, hang them in the closet (or place them with other shoes, or in my makeup drawer with the million other items). Then I look at them and think..yup I needed that stuff…and then it sits in the closet and one day I find it and think, hmmm..I don’t even remember buying that! We are women, we can do what we want!
What? No pictures of your haul?
Just kidding. I, too excel, emotional shopping and eating. *sigh*