Guilty of putting too much food on my plate.
Guilty of eating until I feel almost sick.
Guilty of taking that dessert I just did not need.
Guilty of occasionally forgetting how truly blessed I am.
I have a healthy happy family who doesn’t have to worry about where that next meal is coming from. As we all know, this is not the reality for everyone in our cities or our ‘burbs. You can’t know what’s going on behind closed doors, and sometimes those faces you see…they are hungry. So this time of year is one of the times I like to take the opportunity to pay it forward, and it’s not hard to do. The food bank in my city, and yours could use our help.
Here are a few items I know the food banks could use:
Canned fruit
Canned vegetables
Canned meat & fish
Peanut butter
Baby food & formula
Pasta & pasta sauces
Special diet foods (gluten free, lactose free, etc.)
Non-Perishable food donations can be delivered directly to the Food Bank, placed into a collection bin at your local grocery store, or dropped off at any fire hall.
Worthy of note: Some food banks are happy to receive perishable food donations. Any variety of fruit or vegetable and commercially baked goods (in original packaging) should be delivered directly to their location.
In doubt about what to donate? Cash is always a good idea!
When you do your grocery shopping this week don’t forget to pick up a little extra for a family that needs it. Trust me, nothing feels better than paying it forward.
Wishing you and your family a beautiful, healthy, full Thanksgiving..and thanks for paying it forward this year.
Photo credit:© Karla | Dreamstime Stock Photos
I love donating and have a family that i donate to every Season.I am also guilty !