Warning. Ahead is a full on rant. I don’t know if I’m getting old, am just in a constant state of exhaustion, or people have no manners anymore. But the people of the public? Y’all are rubbing me the wrong way.
This weekend I was at a dance competition with my daughter. We snuck out for a few hours to do some retail therapy shopping. We found a cute little store that we don’t have in my home town and excitedly started loading up our arms with clothes to try one. When I say load up, just 3 or 4 items each, not crazy. Then we wandered aimlessly for 5 or 6 minutes trying to find the change room or someone to help us? It shouldn’t be so hard! Finally we come across the salesgirl, and requested a changeroom. Her response? “Yah, it’s in the back but you better hurry we’re locking up in 5 minutes.” What? At 4:45pm? How odd. And how rude? We hustled, we changed, we bought $120.00 worth of stuff. As we checked out that same savage sales clerk hollered at every single “potential” customer that came in the door. “Just so you know, we’re closing in 10 minutes.” “Just so you know, we’re closing soon.” Peoples responses varied from shocked silence to laughter. One family of four simply turned around and left! The oh so personable clerk (can you tell she ticked me off) must have announced this to at least 4 groups that I saw. Hmm, perhaps this place shouldn’t be closing at 5pm. Or was it 4:45pm? I’m really not sure.
So to my question; is this normal practise to be told to hurry. To be scoffed at, warned that you are running out of time. Hurry up! To have the music shut off in the store 20 minutes before closing? Because I can tell you one thing, if this was my store, if I was the owner, I would be very, very disappointed with the sales clerk. Actually two things, we will not be going back.
So who’s the drama queen? Me or the girl with no manners? Maybe I just need to chill. (But I won’t. I’m Sassy like that)
Most days are a constant state of exhaustion for me and there weeks before Christmas are so trying !
She was not a good clerk,if she worked for my i would kick her butt to the curb
Some people are just rude,honestly it’s the way they live i know a few !
Honestly not the way to treat customers!
Announcing nicely over PA, but I know we stayed in our store until the last customer was finished, could have been a few min after closing.
That is just plain rude.Going into a Walmart a few years ago at 10 minutes before closed was asked at the door what i was buying and if i could pick it up fast because they were closing in a few minutes…..
In this case, no you’re not being unreasonable at all. You had lots of time before they closed. When I worked at a retail store years ago, we would let people in until closing time and then lock the doors. The customers who made it in had all the time in the world. (Now, that doesn’t mean I wasn’t frustrated with some that took advantage of this and stayed an extra 45 minutes. But I was still polite.)
You are not being a dramaqueen at all. That salesperson was rude. From their attitude, it seems like they hate their job and the most likely do not care about the firm they are working for to treat customers in a unacceptable way. The person probably wanted their shift to be over which is why they were pestering the customers. People can be stubborn.
That is just plain rude. Whatever happened to customer service?!
This is today’s generation..this is why businesses are failing!!! I would contact head office!