Today I bring you the humour of a new writer at How To Survive Life In The Suburbs, the guest writing of Sassygirlfriend and her unique perspective on all things on living the life….with boys in the suburbs.
1) If the dishwasher is full please do not play Jenga in the sink with the rest of the dishes. You are chipping the plates and bowls. Rinse and stack. Think I mentioned this yesteday and the 363 days prior.
2) Pressing start on a clean load of dishes in the dishwasher is not fooling anyone. It’s a $1600 brand new machine. I’m fairly certain it works. Unload and reload. Sigh.
3) If I have a migraine it is not a licence to abandon the rules. I don’t particularly like coming downstairs finding my home looking like a frat house has been over and had a party.
4) If there is pee on the toilet seat, wipe it up!!!!! As a single Mom with two boys, I am confident that it is anatomically impossible that I am responsible.
5) I can hear you and your friends use the downstairs bathroom. The sign is self explanatory.
6) Dirty clothes don’t go behind the bathroom door, just like they didn’t yesterday.
7) Your hockey bag doesn’t get dropped 2 feet front the front door. It smells….BAD! Also, scooters, skate boards, pogo sticks and roller blades live in the garage too.
8) See number 7. You can’t go a WHOLE hockey season and not wash your jersey and socks. The white things downstairs are the washer and dryer. Heck throw the equipment in too. And no, Frebreeze is not a miracle spray.
9) The remotes go in the basket on the coffee table. I actually don’t enjoy a good game of find the remote because believe it or not, finding crap in the couch just leads me into another rant.
10) If you offer to make dinner, can we please have a side dish and a vegetable. The plate of meatballs and last night’s sausages in a bowl were disgusting. Are you both cavemen?
Jamie hall says
Lol number made me howl
Melinda Jana says
I had a good laugh. Jenga + dishes = someone is going to get an earful
kathy downey says
My hubby loves that damn remote and you just can’t watch a show with him because he is forever changing channels… honestly he watched 2 or 3 shows at a time
Kristi says
Haha dish Jenga is never a good idea!
Kyooty says
Yep life here too minus the hockey crap there is no hockey but there is scout camp gear.
Florence Cochrane says
LOL!! #9 The remote is always in hubby hand or near him. If I ask him he will change the station if not actually watching anything.
nicky says
Haha, true that! Especially #1 in our house đ
Judy Cowan says
lol….great posts…lots of fun with boys!
Darlene Schuller says
Well now! Sounds like ‘boys’ in general not just burb ones lol
Hhoare says
Oh the things I have to look forward to. Totally going to make the sign for the toilet!!
Calvin F. says
Lol hardly any of these happen at my house. Not the typical guy I guess
LisaM says
Oh dear! My guy is 6 so I only have this to look forward to lol
kathy downey says
After reading this i know i’m not alone !
Julie says
Lol, glad to know this stuff doesn’t only happen at my house!
Stephanie LaPlante says
Oh my goodness, this post could’ve been written by my mom. LOL