Current mood; frustrated. I feel like we’ve been living life on a treadmill. Going about our days, getting it done but not really living our best lives. I’m feeling a tad stir crazy. I’ve gone from someone who was self admittedly spoiled – travelling multiple times a year – to being trapped in our house, in our town, in this Province. Maybe trapped is a bit strong of a word because honestly I know we could have jumped on a plane but I’m a rule follower and I’ve been waiting for that proverbial green light. Here’s the thing, I am missing my travelling life so much it sorta hurts?
Does this ring a bell with anyone else? I can’t be the only one who is craving the beach, the adventure, the unique memories that can only be created when travelling. Full confession; I’m even missing the budgeting, the planning, the packing, and tedious time at the airport! If any of this sounds like you, perhaps it’s time to brave up, (vaccinated and hand sanitized to the max) and head out on that next family vacation. No more excuses, no more putting it off until tomorrow. After all, if this last 18 months has taught us anything we have no idea what the future holds.
Here are five reasons you need to make a family vacation a priority. NOW.
1. Travel Is It’s Own Education. Travel turns you and your children into global citizens and offers experiences you can’t get in a classroom. Travel provides you the opportunity to see and learn about the things you may have only read about in books and seen on TV. A well planned trip allows for rich experiences to enhance classroom experiences, an opportunity to explore new culture. It allows you to really spread your wings.
2. Memories Made. It’s been said you only get 18 summers with your children. I think we get a few more than that! But how many family vacations do you get before your children would rather travel with friends, or are they are tied down by work obligations of their own? Travel with family provides the opportunities to create precious memories that will last a lifetime.
3. A Family That Plays Together Stays Together. Vacations with planes, trains and automobiles. Travel that involve new places, hotels and restaurants force you to function together, work together and play together. The entire experience will strenghen your relationship with your partner and your family.
4. A Chance To Unplug. With Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, and TikTok, the world is too often viewed through a tiny screen. There are so few opportunities in this world to truly unplug. A family vacation to the beach (with a small electronics rule in place) can afford your family the chance to not only disconnect from the world for a week, but re-connect with those people you love the most, to look up, and notice the beauty that surrounds all of you.
5. To Remember The World Is Bigger Than Beyond Your Backdoor. The world is full of beautiful people, places, rich history and cultures. Travel is the ticket to see the world beyond their backdoor.
Travel is an incredible way to create quality time with your family. Time spent exploring a new place, bonding, laughing and learning. Time spent surrounded by those you love with no distractions is one of the biggest gifts travel can give you. On that note it’s time to hit google hard and start planning that next vacation. The only question that remains is where we will go next!?
When will you travel again? Where do you dream of travelling next?
I just found this post and the timing couldn’t be more perfect. WTH are we supposed to do. Travel? Stay home? We keep putting our lives on hold and there doesn’t seem to be any end in site
I’m with you and I’m ready to go. First stop, Germany!
Some great reminders and inspiration to get the planning underway! Here’s to a whole new world of experiences in 2022.