There are fewer things that can throw me into a tizzy then those who try to pack without a list. Why would one try to do this? Lists. Are. Good. The only thing that makes packing more difficult than doing so without a list? Packing for a trip during a pandemic. Now of course we can debate all you want about whether one should be travelling right now – but I’m not going to do that. For me, for my family, what we need right now is some quality time together and to leave the conversations about Covid behind for a little bit. So today I bring to you my packing list for Mama’s travelling during a pandemic. This one includes a few extras so you can avoid those extra unnecessary shopping trips, perhaps breathe a little easier and maybe stay just a little bit safer. We’re headed to Kissimmee Florida but this list will work for most trips headed south. I hope it helps!
Before you do anything – go check your passports. Are they up to date? Okay! Then let’s go!
For your purse and carry on bag:
- Passports
- K95 masks. (enough for everyone your with plus extras in case there is damage along the way)
- Airline, train or bus ticket and confirmation numbers
- Copy of your itineray – email this to yourself too!
- ID (Drivers License, Birth Certificate if required)
- Purel Hand Sanitizer
- Lysol Wipes to wipe off that airplane tray. Germs be gone!
- Credit Cards
- Bank Card
- Travel Insurance. Read the fine print – do you have the extra insurance you need for Covid related emergencies?
- Copy of all those important cards. Credit, Passport, Health Cards and Travel Insurance.
- Cash
- A good book and if you have little ones, lots of distractions to keep them occupied. There are always the possibilities of flight delays.
- Phones – with the ARRIVEcan app downloaded and ready to go
- chargers
- Laptop and cords as needed to keep on top of work and school
- A pen for filling out customs forms
- Gum
- Lifesavers/Breath mints
- Advil for unexpected headaches
- Gravol and Imodium for emergencies – it happens
- Travel Size Hand Lotion (I like the slim EOS hand lotion, fits in any pocket and meets Airline size requirements)
- Personal prescriptions – never pack these in your suitcase!
- A little snack (a powerbar or granola bar can save the day when faced with a two hour delay and no snacks in sight!)
- Band-aids (because you never know)
- Camera and Charger (Am I the only one who still likes a camera and the camera on my phone?)
- Hair Elastics
- Lipgloss or chapstick because dry lips on the plane are ridiculously annoying
Not to worry – it really will all fit in a carry-on!
For your suitcase:
- My first new addition a Covid-19 RT-LAMP Test Kit from Designed for travellers. The RT-LAMP test is accepted for re-entry into Canada, amongst other countries. We bought 4 and will be testing with a nurse watching over zoom before we head home. So cool! (Please make double check these are still meet re-entry requirements before you buy)
- Hair brush
- Flat iron or Curling iron if you need it
- Hair dryer (but only if your hotel/house doesn’t have one)
- Hair spray
- Hair accessories. You can’t have enough elastics.
- Travel sized Shampoo and Conditioners
- Make-up
- Face moisturizer
- Make-up remover (We love make-up wipes, also great if you try to go carry on only)
- Night cream
- Razors
- Deodorant
- Dry Shampoo
- Toothbrush / toothpaste / floss / wax for those with teens with braces
- Glasses & sunglasses
- Feminine products
- Ear plugs to drown out those hotel noises
- Diva alert – I also take a small white noise machine with me
- Undies / bras/ sportsbras
- Tanktops for fabulous layering
- Socks, if not for outside then for in the hotel.
- PJ’s
- Medicines / prescriptions / vitamins and a copy of all your prescriptions incase they are lost. Be sure to pack EXTRAS of all your prescriptions. If you end up catching Covid while you are away and have to quarantine and stay where you are you don’t want to run out of any medication you need on a regular basis.
- First Aid Kit! Normally I recommend a plethora of:
- bandaids
- blister bandaids (lifesavers)
- antibacterial cream
- Benedrayl
- Over the counter ear drops (these can be a lifesaver!)
- Tylenol and/or Advil. In this day and age you should also add:
- Advil Cold
- Thermometer
- Cough Suppressant
For the Pool/Outside:
- Sunscreen (don’t forget sunscreen for your lips need sunscreen too!)
- Lotion and Aftersun
- Bathing suits
- Sarong/Cover-ups
- Sun hat or Baseball hat
- Flip Flops
- Beach Bag – don’t underestimate the importance of a beach bag
Resort Wear:
- Pants/Jeans
- Shorts
- T-Shirts
- Sundresses or Maxi Dresses. Long live the Maxi!
- Jean Jacket
- Sun Protective shirt, or dress
- Sandals
- Comfortable Walking Shoes
- One pair of cute shoes too!
- Capri’s
- Yoga Pants
- Sweatshirt
- Sweater for cool evenings or restaurants
- Rain Jacket
- A few fun accessories to pull those outfits together
Bonus Ideas:
If you have the time, and are renting a vacation home like we are, why not do a little planning ahead to limit your outings when you arrive at your destination.
- Sign up for a car rental that has online check in. We’re using Dollar Car Rental and when we arrive we can go straight to our waiting car.
- Home Rental: As we’re staying in a vacation home we were sure to pick a company that uses enhanced cleaning practices and allows for check in to happen right at the house.
- Groceries – We will be using Instacart to do a lovely fat grocery shop for us and have our food delivered right to our front door. Groceries at a rental house may sound drab – but let me tell you, watching your man grill poolside while you hang out with your kids. Sigh, it’s all kind of dreamy.
In just a few short days we’re off to Florida! The house sitter is booked, and we’ve stocked extra food and treats for the pets. We’re excited, and perhaps lacking a little direction in the packing department, so I’m off to print off this list and get my life organized!
Hope this list helps you on your next adventure and if you think I’ve forgotten something be sure to tell me in the comments!
Safe travels.
Mwah xoxo
Great tips!! I’m hoping to travel soon
Thanks! I hope you get to travel somewhere wonderful soon!
I’ve been DREAMING about an escape to Florida but the idea of a hotel was way too scary. You rented a house?
We do! Once you rent a home when you travel – it changes the way you think about vacations. Here are all my tips on how to rent a vacation home in Kissimmee. Let me know if you have any questions.