A Mama in the Suburbs doesn’t ask for much out of her “summer holiday”. (Where is that sarcasm font again?) As one who works from home and choose to stay home with her two little beauties, I knew what I was getting into when summer rolled around. This full time chaos? It’s all mine. So what is a Mama to wish for? Where is the line between a successful summer and a big hot mess?
Here is a list of what this Mama hopes for this summer:
*A summer with less then 10 “I have nothing to do’s”. Each. Aiming too high? How about less then 10 per month.
*A season with no permanent scars. Scratches, strain and sprains will happen with the extra hours outdoors. My wish again this summer is for no permanent injuries. We must protect the pretty!
*Just a few weeks without hearing the dreaded; “There is NOTHING to eat in this house.” (and Mom I sincerely apologise for looking into our 16 foot pantry and saying just that every and every week for my entire adolescent life.) How rude.
*A decent carpool. I certainly don’t mind driving my little people all over the world, but just because I’m at home doesn’t mean I want to drive the entire neighbourhood too.
*Sleepovers. Both at our house and at someone else’s! In a perfect world, both girls sleeping at friends on the same night? A girl can dream.
*Mother Nature to help us out with some long sunny days so we can escape the suburbs and head to the beach!
*Pools heated to at least 90 degrees and friends over at least 3 times a week. I also hope said friends bring their own towels. It is the first week of summer and I am already tired of the extra laundry.
It is my Summer Dream to make it through the season with minimal complaints and maximum laughter. For my girls to know our home is a soft place to fall, a fun place to hang, and a great place to grow up. I hope this summer our house is full of laughter, of joy, and love. I hope this summer, we make some memories that will last a lifetime.
Hope you all have an incredible first week of summer! Mwah! xoxo
Well I don’t think Mother Nature is helping out with those sunny days here in Ontario. Hope your summer is going well!
Hope you’ve managed to make it to the beach !!
I stay at home with my little ones as well and the chaos is all around me, their To Do lists are even longer than mine.
I agree with your requests! I already feel like summer driver mom and mom hosting all the kids all the time!
I remember all the girls sleep overs. It was a big part of my daughters summers. Full of chaos and laughter and fun
Sounds like a solid list! I’m soooo looking forward for my girls to be old enough for sleep overs. Both for their fun (I loved sleep overs as a kid!!) and for ours (hopefully, as you said, both girls will have sleep overs out on the same night!).
Oh, you will have fun no matter what.
I’d hide all the pool towels and make them all dry off in the sun; it’s green!
Whenever I heard the “I’m bored” or ” there is nothing to do” a broom and dust cloth were quickly placed in their hands. LOL!
Haha As always I shall heed your stellar advice. I bet I won’t hear too many “I’m boreds” if I follow it!
I love the comment “There is nothing to eat in the house” good luck with that one.
I’m a big fan of pools that reach 90 degrees, too! I can do 84 and that is as cold as I like it!
So excited for summer… although I hope we never bored!
I’m down with the Mother Nature request. Mama needs some decent beach time this summer.
Thanks Deb!
I totally understand. Thankfully, I never really had to deal with any of those issues (ok, stop hatin’! because as a teacher, I think I looked forward to summer vacation more than my son did! I made sure to jam-pack our summers with tons of stuff to do. I only had those handful of weeks each year to be with him 24/7, and I never wanted to waste a single minute. I was lucky enough to NEVER hear the dreaded, “Mom! I’m bored!” Although, I did get a few, “Mom, can we just stay home today and do nothing?” Hahaha!
Here’s hoping your summer dreams come true!
This is the first summer my girls don’t have a jam packed summer. It’s only day two and I have already realized I am a girl who needs plans. Guess what I’m doing tonight!! Making 8 weeks of summer plans baby
Sending good vibes your way for your summer dreams to become a reality
Thanks, and hoping you have a fabulous summer too!
smiles….teaching this year, i am home with my boys this summer, so i feel your pain a bit…ha…there are def things i dont want to hear again for a while…smiles.