Bacon on bagels, Bacon wrapped jalapeño peppers, Bacon and French toast, Bacon stuffed burgers, Bacon and eggs. Yum! Just a few of the fabulous dishes that spring to mind when I hear the word Bacon. The only thing missing in my life, a Twitter Party celebrating Bacon.
Until now!
Get ready to #ChangeYourLifeWithBacon
Maple Leaf Foods is throwing an incredibly fun and fast twitter party this Tuesday that you won’t want to miss!
Here are all the details:
DATE and TIME: Tuesday, July 9th at 9:00pm EDT
HASHTAG: #ChangeYourLifeWithBacon
Please be sure to RSVP and follow your host @MapleLeafFoods and all three MODERATORS; you must RSVP to be eligible for prizing. @SassyModernMom – @Listen2Lena – @FeistyFrugal
All are welcome to participate in the chat however please do note prizing is available to Canadians only. Yes Quebec too!
Hint: Please be sure to enter your Twitter Handle “@yourTwitterhandle” in the Link/Blog Title field, and your Twitter URL “” in the Link Field. RSVP Linky:
Boo, I missed this party
Oh well guess I can keep my fingers crossed for another one!
Great party! I hope there is another bacon twarty in the future!
Thank you! We had a fabulous time hosting!
Thank you ! It was a fun one to help host!
I just wanted to say that I attended the Twitter Party and it was very smoothly run and that you guys (Lena and Tenille and yourself) seem to throw the best Twit parties with best prizes.
Thank you so much for your sweet compliment! The three of us work very hard to promote these twitter parties and make sure they go off with out a hitch, so your feedback is truly appreciated! Hope to see you at another twitter party soon!
I will definitely be there! Love bacon!
Yeah!! “See” you soon
thanks! I love twitter parties! and I love bacon !:)
I’m missing out by not using my dormant twitter account! I’ve gotta get with it…soon.
Bacon…especially pork…you can’t go wrong with that.
Meglio gli spaghetti all’amatriciana.×300.jpg
Buon weekend, Edo