What happens when your washing machine has been broken for a week and you leave on a trip to Jamaica tomorrow? This:
Not enough hours in the day. Not enough space on the drying rack. This is the act of a real desperate housewife. Just saying.
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Hey you do what you have to to get the job done
Very creative
Thats pretty funny! (punctuation not working on my laptop)…..I have done something like this before but when there were no free dryers in apartment…..doesnt leave clothes feeling as nice and soft though.
lol when our dryer broke, this was exactly what my house looked like trying to dry all of our clothes.
I’ve done the EXACT same thing!!! LOL!
I can’t even begin to imagine… oh dear..
Haha! I always hang laundry all around the house as well!
Haha that is quite a sight!! Way to work around an unlucky situation, though. The act of real clever housewife!
Lol…been there done that before! I swear major appliances always decide to break when you need them the most. Our oven died last year at Christmas, which was not fun!
oh wow! that is funny! well, you gotta do what you gotta do i guess! hhehe
Oh no! I hope it’s been fixed by now!