Dear Young and the Restless Writers,Perhaps you are not aware that although your target demographic is indeed the Suburban Housewife, we are in fact NOT idiots. I will somewhat shamefully admit that I have been watching the Y & R, on and off, since my Momma stayed home with me!After watching your show for more then 30 years I would… View Post
Wordless Wednesday
Slow Sunsets. Steps Embedded with Sea Shells. Cobblestone Streets. Miles of Beach. Mexico…I will be back…..
Do I have SUCKER written across my forehead?
There have been times in my life where I have absolutely been “taken”. In my early 20’s it was the almighty vacuum salesman. Hubby and I were a DINK family. Don’t get excited, Double Income No Kids. The Filter Queen Vacuum Sales Guy came a rap rap rappin on our front door. The sales pitch was a force to be… View Post
Oh Honey, I Was 10 Once
She is stomping her feet AGAIN. I did a horrible thing. I had the nerve to ask her to take a shower! What a wicked Mom. Just the innocent suggestion that she might want to go and rinse the weekend’s dirt and grime from her gorgeous cheeks sent her into some kind of pre-pubescent melt down! “I hate showers”“I don’t… View Post
Reality Check
*I have migraines every week. The pain sometimes makes it hard to be the Mommy and wife I wish I could be.*My youngest did not get invited to that birthday party. Mean girls suck.*We barely made the mortgage payment this month. Whew!*I don’t remember the last time my hubby and I went out on a real date.*The flu has been… View Post
RIP Bikinis
There has been a death in my life. The death of my bikinis. I don’t know when it happened. Somewhere between the pasta and the popcorn…after the Chinese and before the red wine? But I can no longer sport a bikini. I’ve been frantically packing for an upcoming trip with the family. Thought I had better try on my bathing… View Post
Wordless Wednesday
Cancun…I love my kids more then life itself, but right now this is where I wish I was! Away on a romantic vacation with the hubby, soaking up the sun and the love. Sigh. How many more weeks of winter?? Doesn’t hurt to dream….
Sick Days
When I was a wee one, sick days meant time at home with Mom tucked snugly into the couch with a pillow and a favorite blanket. All the cartoons you could watch and flat ginger ale. Perfect. As I got a little older, sick days often took on a new meaning and probably should have been renamed “Mental Health” days…. View Post
The Glamorous Life
Is it love or the height of paranoia when you pick through your daughters vomit to make sure the red gelatinous goop is indeed half digested strawberries and not blood? Sigh. Just another Mommy living the glamorous life.